The finished code for the Write a check tutorial

defpackage check-report :
  import core
  import math
  import jitx
  import jitx/commands

  import ocdb/utils/defaults
  import ocdb/utils/generic-components

pcb-check aec-q200 (component:JITXObject):

    name =                 "Automotive rating"
    description =          "Check that a passive component is AEC Q200 rated"
    condition =            has-property?(component.aec-rating),
    category =             "Component Data"
    subcheck-description = "Check that %_ has a defined aec-rating" % [ref(component)],
    pass-message =         "%_ has a property for aec-rating of %_" % [ref(component) property(component.aec-rating)],
    info-message =         "%_ does not have an aec-rating property attached" % [ref(component)],
    locators =             [instance-definition(component)]

    name =                 "Automotive rating"
    description =          "Check that a passive component is AEC Q200 rated"
    condition =            property(component.aec-rating) == "Q200",
    category =             "Component Checks"
    subcheck-description = "Check that %_ is AEC Q200 rated." % [ref(component)],
    pass-message =         "%_ is AEC Q200 rated" % [ref(component)],
    fail-message =         "%_ is not AEC Q200 rated. Instead has rating %_." % [ref(component) property(component.aec-rating)],
    locators =             [instance-definition(component)]

defn check-aec (module:JITXObject) :
  inside pcb-module:
    for c in component-instances(self) do :
      if has-property?(c.resistance)  or reference-prefix?(c) == "R" or
         has-property?(c.capacitance) or reference-prefix?(c) == "C" :
        check aec-q200(c)

pcb-module checked-design :
  inst r : chip-resistor(1.0)[10]
  inst c : ceramic-cap(10.0e-6)[8]

  for i in [0 1 3 4 5 7] do :
    property(r[i].aec-rating) = "Q200"
    property(c[i].aec-rating) = "Q200"

  property(r[2].aec-rating) = "Q101"

  check aec-q200(r[0])

make-default-board(checked-design, 4, Rectangle(25.0, 25.0))

; Show the Schematic and PCB for the design