defpackage first-design :
import core
import math
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import ocdb/utils/defaults
import ocdb/utils/landpatterns
import ocdb/utils/symbols
import ocdb/utils/symbol-utils
import ocdb/utils/generic-components
import ocdb/utils/bundles
import ocdb/utils/box-symbol
import ocdb/utils/property-structs
import ocdb/utils/connects
pcb-component lora-modem :
port spi : spi-peripheral()
pin-properties :
[pin:Ref | pads:Int ... | side:Dir]
[spi.sdo | 1 | Left]
[spi.sdi | 2 | Left]
[spi.sck | 3 | Left]
[spi.cs | 4 | Left]
[ant | 5 | Right]
[vdd | 6 | Up]
[gnd | 7 | Down]
pcb-component microcontroller :
pin-properties :
[pin:Ref | pads:Int ... | side:Dir]
for i in 0 to 14 do :
[PA[i] | i + 1 | Right]
[vdd | 15 | Up]
[gnd | 16 | Down]
supports adc:
adc.adc => self.PA[0]
supports adc:
adc.adc => self.PA[1]
supports adc:
adc.adc => self.PA[2]
supports i2c :
i2c.sda => self.PA[10]
i2c.scl => self.PA[11]
pcb-bundle io-pin :
port p
for i in 0 to 14 do :
supports io-pin :
io-pin.p => self.PA[i]
for i in 0 to 2 do :
supports spi-controller():
require io:io-pin[4]
spi-controller().copi => io[0].p
spi-controller().cipo => io[1].p
spi-controller().cs => io[2].p
spi-controller().sck => io[3].p
for i in 0 to 14 do:
supports gpio:
require io:io-pin
gpio.gpio => io.p
pcb-component thermocouple-amplifier :
manufacturer = "Microchip"
mpn = "MCP9600"
description = "Thermocouple EMF to Temperature Converter, ±1.5°C Maximum Accuracy"
port i2c : i2c
pin-properties :
[pin:Ref | pads:Int ... | side:Dir ]
[GND | 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 21 | Down ]
[Vin+ | 2 | Right ]
[Vin- | 4 | Right ]
[Vdd | 8 | Up ]
[Alert[1] | 11 | Left ]
[Alert[2] | 12 | Left ]
[Alert[3] | 14 | Left ]
[Alert[4] | 15 | Left ]
[ADDR | 16 | Left ]
[i2c.scl | 19 | Left ]
[i2c.sda | 20 | Left ]
assign-landpattern(qfn-landpattern(0.65, 5.0, 20, 0.3, 0.4, [3.25 3.25]))
pcb-component op-amp :
pin-properties :
[pin:Ref | pads:Int ...]
[in+ | 3 ]
[in- | 4 ]
[out | 1 ]
[v+ | 5 ]
[v- | 2 ]
symbol = op-amp-sym(self.in+ => op-amp-sym.in+
self.in- => op-amp-sym.in-
self.out => op-amp-sym.out
self.v- => op-amp-sym.v-
self.v+ => op-amp-sym.v+)
pcb-pad round-pth-pad :
type = TH
shape = Circle(0.8)
layer(SolderMask(Top)) = Circle(0.8)
layer(SolderMask(Bottom)) = Circle(0.8)
layer(Cutout()) = Circle(0.5)
pcb-symbol pin-header-symbol :
layer("foreground") = Rectangle(2.54, 7.62, loc(-1.27, 0.0))
for i in 0 to 3 do :
pin p[(i + 1)] at Point(-2.54, (2.54 - (to-double(i) * 2.54))) with :
direction = Left
length = 2.54
number-size = 0.762
name-size = 0.762
preferred-orientation = PreferRotation([0])
layer("reference") = Text(">REF", 0.7056, W, loc(-2.54, 4.2))
pcb-landpattern pin-header-landpattern :
pad p[1] : round-pth-pad at loc(-2.54, 0.0)
pad p[2] : round-pth-pad at loc(0.0, 0.0)
pad p[3] : round-pth-pad at loc(2.54, 0.0)
layer(Courtyard(Top)) = Rectangle(6.6, 1.6)
layer(Silkscreen("values", Top)) = Text(">REF", 0.7, C, loc(0.0, -1.2))
pcb-component three-pin-header :
port p : pin[[1 2 3]]
landpattern = pin-header-landpattern(p[1] => pin-header-landpattern.p[1]
p[2] => pin-header-landpattern.p[2]
p[3] => pin-header-landpattern.p[3])
symbol = pin-header-symbol(p[1] => pin-header-symbol.p[1]
p[2] => pin-header-symbol.p[2]
p[3] => pin-header-symbol.p[3])
reference-prefix = "J"
pcb-pad rect-smd-pad :
type = SMD
val pad-shape = Rectangle(0.75, 1.0)
shape = pad-shape
layer(SolderMask(Top)) = pad-shape
layer(Paste(Top)) = pad-shape
pcb-landpattern polarized-chip-landpattern :
pad a : rect-smd-pad at loc(1.0, 0.0)
pad c : rect-smd-pad at loc(-1.0, 0.0)
layer(Courtyard(Top)) = Rectangle(3.0, 2.0)
layer(Silkscreen("pol", Top)) = Line(0.30, [Point((- 1.5), (- 1.0)) Point((- 1.5), 1.0)])
layer(Silkscreen("values", Top)) = Text(">REF", 0.7, C, loc(0.0, -1.2))
pcb-component photodiode :
port a
port c
landpattern = polarized-chip-landpattern(a => polarized-chip-landpattern.a,
c => polarized-chip-landpattern.c)
val sym = diode-sym(DiodePhoto)
symbol = sym(a => sym.a,
c => sym.c)
reference-prefix = "D"
property(self.responsivity) = 125.0e-6 / 1000.0 ; Current out / light in @850nm (A / lux)
property(self.capacitance) = 11.0e-12 ; Self capacitance (F)
pcb-module transimpedance-amplifier (rf:Double, cf:Double):
port input
port output
port vdd
port gnd
inst op-amp:op-amp
inst decoupling-cap : ceramic-cap(10.0e-6)
; Connect module pins and decoupling to op-amp power pins.
net (vdd op-amp.v+ decoupling-cap.p[1])
net (gnd op-amp.v- decoupling-cap.p[2])
; Add and connect feedback network
inst r : chip-resistor(closest-std-val(rf, 1.0))
inst c : ceramic-cap(cf)
net (gnd op-amp.in+)
net (input, op-amp.in-, r.p[1] c.p[1])
net (output op-amp.out, r.p[2] c.p[2])
schematic-group(self) = trans-amp
pcb-module amplified-photodiode ( photodiode:Instantiable,
target-bandwidth:Double) :
port output
port vdd
port gnd
inst pd : photodiode
; Calculate 1% gain resistor TIDU535
val max-light-current = property(pd.responsivity) * lux-at-full-range
val target-gain-resistance = closest-std-val(supply-voltage / max-light-current, 1.0)
; Calculate feedback capacitor for stability at bandwidth
val cf = closest-std-val(1.0 / (2.0 * PI * target-gain-resistance * target-bandwidth) * 0.9, 10.0)
inst amp : transimpedance-amplifier(target-gain-resistance, cf)
net (pd.c amp.input)
net (output amp.output)
net (gnd pd.a amp.gnd)
net (vdd amp.vdd)
schematic-group(pd) = schematic-group(amp)
pcb-module main-design :
inst connector : three-pin-header
inst mcu : microcontroller
net GND (connector.p[1] mcu.gnd)
net VDD (connector.p[2] mcu.vdd)
inst high-sensitivity-photodiode : amplified-photodiode(photodiode, 3.3, 500.0, 1.0e6)
inst low-sensitivity-photodiode : amplified-photodiode(photodiode, 3.3, 2000.0, 1.0e6)
require light:adc[2] from mcu
net (high-sensitivity-photodiode.output light[0].adc)
net (low-sensitivity-photodiode.output light[1].adc)
inst K : thermocouple-amplifier
require K-i2c : i2c from mcu
require alert:gpio[4] from mcu
net (K-i2c, K.i2c)
for i in 0 to 4 do :
net (alert[i].gpio, K.Alert[i + 1])
inst lora : lora-modem
require lora-spi:spi-controller() from mcu
connect-spi(mcu, lora-spi, [lora.spi])
net (GND high-sensitivity-photodiode.gnd low-sensitivity-photodiode.gnd K.GND lora.gnd)
net (VDD high-sensitivity-photodiode.vdd low-sensitivity-photodiode.vdd K.Vdd lora.vdd)
symbol(GND) = ocdb/utils/symbols/ground-sym
symbol(VDD) = ocdb/utils/symbols/supply-sym
make-default-board(main-design, 4, Rectangle(25.0, 25.0))
; Export CAD with default options
; Show the Schematic and PCB for the design