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Module Level Statements

A pcb-module statement defines a circuit made up of component instances and the connections between the ports of each instance. The pcb-module can be thought of as the circuit organization tool for building hierarchical circuits. In addition to defining the circuit net list, the pcb-module can also define physical geometry and the positioning of instances in the board view with respect to the module's kinematic frame.

The pcb-module is similar to the module in Verilog. If you are coming from VHDL, you will find that it is similar in ways to the entity concept except there is no way to provide multiple architecture bodies for a JITX pcb-module.

The pcb-module statement is valid in all contexts of a JITX design.


pcb-module mod-name (arg1:Type1, ...) :
  name = <String>
  description = <String|False>

  ; Other module statements here

The expression name mod-name uniquely identifies this module definition in the current context.

The argument list (arg1:Type1, ...) is optional and provides a means of constructing parameterized module definitions. The arguments in this list must be of type JITXValue.

There are many statements associated with the pcb-module definition. See the Statements section below for a detailed listing.

Minimal pcb-module Definition

All statements for a pcb-module are optional. Here is an example of the most minimal pcb-module definition:

pcb-module minimal:

This is clearly not very useful - but demonstrates the point and it will compile.

One thing to notice is that indentation for the module definition's statements is required. Here the only statement is a value expression of false.

The indentation must be in the form of [spaces]. A tab character will cause a syntax error.


The pcb-module definition is quite versatile. It is typically used in the following conditions:

  1. Defining the top-level for a circuit design. See Design Hierarchy for more info.
  2. Defining reusable or one-off sub-circuits in a design.
  3. Constructing a wrapper around a pcb-component instance.

Example Top-Level Design

val board-shape = RoundedRectangle(60.0, 40.0, 1.6)

pcb-module top-level :

  inst MCU : RP2040

  require bus:i2c from MCU

  inst accelerometer : MMA8451Q
  inst temp-sensor : TMP116

  net GND (MCU.GND, accelerometer.rail.V-, temp-sensor.rail.V-)
  net I2C (bus, accelerometer.bus, temp-sensor.bus)


    copper-pour(LayerIndex(1), isolate = 0.125, rank = 1) = board-shape
    copper-pour(LayerIndex(4), isolate = 0.125, rank = 1) = board-shape

Common Traits:

  • For top-level design modules, you will often find multiple inst statements constructing the sub-circuit and components of a design.
  • Top-level modules typically don't have port definitions. They can but it often isn't useful because the off-board interfaces are typically through connectors.
  • It is very common to see many require statements that construct the pin assignment problem for the circuit.
  • Top-level modules typically have geom statements to contruct large-scale features of a design, like ground planes and keepout regions.

Example Reusable Circuit

pcb-module LDO (comp:Instantiable, Vin:Double, Vout:Double) :
  port vin : power
  port vout : power

  inst ldo : comp

  net (vin.V+, ldo.VIN)
  net (vin.V-, vout.V-, ldo.GND)
  net (vout.V+, ldo.VOUT)

  bypass-cap-strap(ldo.VIN, ldo.GND, 1.0e-6)
  bypass-cap-strap(ldo.VOUT, ldo.GND, 1.0e-6)

  ; Construct Voltage divider here.
  inst div : voltage-divider(typ(Vin), typ(Vout))

  net (, ldo.VOUT)
  net (div.out, ldo.FB)
  net (div.lo, ldo.GND)

Common Traits:

  • Reusable pcb-module definitions are typically parametric
  • Arguments are used to configure how those circuits behave - eg, what voltage to output.
  • Some arguments might provide an Instantiable - meaning a component or module definition that will be instantiated inside this module.
  • They will typically have standardized port interfaces using bundles.
  • They will typically use other lower level primitives to build up more complex features.

Example Component Wrappers

pcb-module MMA8451Q :

  port bus : i2c
  port rail : power

  public inst comp : MMA8451Q-component

  bypass-cap-strap(comp.VDD, comp.GND, 4.7e-6)
  bypass-cap-strap(comp.BYP, comp.GND, 0.1e-6)
  bypass-cap-strap(comp.VDDIO, comp.GND, 0.1e-6)


Common Traits:

  • Module wrappers around components are typically useful to encapsulate component specific features.
  • For example, specific bypass capacitor specs per the components datasheets.
  • Configuration resistor strapping, which may require parametric arguments.
  • Module wrappers are typically very specific to a particular component.
  • It is common to make the wrapped component public as a way to interrogate it from the parent context.
  • These wrappers are often useful for using language features that are not present in the pcb-component definition context.


Here is the list of all of the statements you can use in a pcb-module :

Statement Description
#CHECK Assertion Checks
description Description
do-not-populate Do not Populate
eval-when Eval When
geom Custom copper geometry
insertion-loss Add a Timing Difference Constraint - Topology
inst Instantiate a component or module
instance-status Instance Status
layer Layer
layout-group Layout Group
name Name
net Create an electrical connection
no-connect Set a port as "Not Connected"
node Node
pin-properties Pin Properties Table
place Set a component or module's pose
ports Ports
reference-designator Reference Designator Assignment
require Require - Pin Assignemnt
restrict Restrict - Pin Assignemnt
ref-label Ref Label Assignment
schematic-group Schematic Group
short-trace Short Trace
structure Structure - Topology
supports Supports - Pin Assignemnt
symbol Net Symbol Assignment
timing Add a Timing Constraint - Topology
timing-difference Add a Timing Difference Constraint - Topology
topology-segment Construct an SI route - Topology
value-label Value Label Assignment
variant BOM Variant Definitions