Design variables are configuration settings for OCDB applied to the current design (or sets of designs, in multi-board projects). These variables control generator mechanisms across OCDB.
Data Types
public pcb-enum ocdb/utils/design-vars/DensityLevel:
is a helper enum that represents the desired density level of the current design (A, B, or C, with "A" being the least dense and "C" being the most dense). It is used to generate IPC compliant land patterns.
Global Variables
public var OPERATING-TEMPERATURE = min-max(0.0, 25.0)
The operating temperature range of the design (C).
public var OPTIMIZE-FOR = ["area"]
The desired optimization approach by JITX internal generators. Supported values are "area" and "cost".
public var MAX-Z = 500.0
The maximum height of a component (mm).
public var MIN-PKG = "0201"
The minimum package size of a passive component. Used to find components that can be placed by the fabricator when pulling components from the JITX database.
public var APPROVED-DISTRIBUTOR-LIST = ["Allied Electronics & Automation"
"Arrow Electronics"
"Future Electronics"
The list of approved distributors. Set it to false to allow any distributor.
public var DESIGN-QUANTITY = 100
The number of boards you intend to fabricate. Used to find components in stock when pulling components from the JITX database.
public var ALLOW-NON-STOCK = true
Whether to allow components to be out of stock. JITX gives warning messages when components are out of stock and ALLOW-NON-STOCK
is true
(the default behavior). If ALLOW-NON-STOCK
is false
, JITX throws an exception when any component is out of stock.
public var PREFERRED-MOUNTING = "smd"
The preferred mounting style of a component pulled from the JITX database. Supported values are ["smd", "through-hole"].
public var MIN-CAP-VOLTAGE = 10.0
Minimum voltage to allow for capacitors
Use all parts from the Parts Database for existing parametric queries (e.g. chip-resistor
). If false, restrict these queries to a set of parts with a higher confidence in quality.
public var DENSITY-LEVEL: DensityLevel = DensityLevelC
The preferred density level of the design. Used when generating land patterns.
public var MIN-SOLDER-MASK-SLIVER: Double = 0.15
The minimum space allowed between non overlapping regions of solder mask opening. Used when checking land patterns.
public var MIN-OUTER-LAYER-PAD-SIZE: Double = 0.2032
The minimum size of a circular pad on the outer layers. Used when computing through hole land patterns.
public var MAX-HOLE-SIZE-TOLERANCE: Double = 0.0508
The board fabricator's tolerance on the diameter of the largest hole (mm). Used when computing through hole land patterns.
public var MIN-HOLE-SIZE-TOLERANCE: Double = 0.0508
The board fabricator's tolerance on the diameter of the smallest hole (mm). Used when computing through hole land patterns.
public var HOLE-POSITION-TOLERANCE: Double = 0.0508
The board fabricator's tolerance on placing the center of any hole (mm). Used when computing through hole land patterns.