
Stateful is a useful tool for managing property states.

Data Types

public defstruct Stateful<K,V> :
  current: K|False
  states: Tuple<KeyValue<K,V>>
public defn Stateful<?K,?V> (states:Seqable<KeyValue<?K, ?V>>) -> Stateful
public defn Stateful<?K,?V> (current:JITXValue, states:Seqable<KeyValue<?K, ?V>>) -> Stateful

Stateful is a collection of states with a possibly current state.

  • current: the current state, or false if there is no current state.
  • states: mappings from a state's name to a value.


public defn get<?K,?V> (s:Stateful<?K,?V>, state:?K) -> V :

Returns the value for the given state.

public defn state-names<?K,?V> (s:Stateful<?K,?V>) -> Tuple<K> :

Returns the names of all states.

Additional Syntaxes

state(<object>.<property>) = <state>

Set the property's state to state. It is required that is a Stateful. This statement must be declared inside a pcb-module, pcb-component, or support option.


Get the property's current state. It is required that both is a Stateful and there is a current state.


Get the property's current state. It is required that is a Stateful. Returns false if there is no current state.

has-state?(<object>.<property>, <state>)

Returns whether state is one of's states. It is required that is a Stateful.

pcb-module main :
  port p : pin[5]

  ;Assign a Stateful property to pin p[3] in a USB-powered system.
  ;The low state load-current is 100mA and the high state load-current is 1.5A.
  ;No initial state is assigned.
  property(p[3].load-current) = Stateful(["low" => 100.0e-3,
                                          "high" => 1.5])
  ;Get a list of state names. Returns`["low" "high"]`

  ;Try getting the current state. Returns false.

  ;Set the state to "low".
  ;Much like properties, states can be set inside a module, component, or support option.
  state(p[3].load-current) = "low"

  ;Get the current state. Returns "low".

  ;Does the property have a "high" state? Returns true.
  has-state?(p[3].load-current, "high")

The above pcb-module demonstrates how all syntaxes can be used.