
via is a JITX statement for creating a via between layers of a circuit board.


    via(LayerIndex(0), LayerIndex(0, Bottom), 
        radius = 0.3, hole-radius = 0.125) 
        at Point(0.0, 0.0)

    via(LayerIndex(1), LayerIndex(2),
        radius = 0.3, hole-radius = 0.125,
        type = BlindVia) 
        at Point(1.0, 0.0) 

    via(LayerIndex(0), LayerIndex(1),
        radius = 0.1, hole-radius = 0.05,
        type = MicroVia) 
        at Point(2.0, 0.0) 


    via(LayerIndex(0), LayerIndex(0, Bottom), 
        radius = 0.3, hole-radius = 0.125) 
        at Point(0.0, 0.0)

Create a through-via from the top to the bottom copper layer at (x,y) = (0,0), with an 0.3mm radius capture pad, and a 0.125mm drill radius. Through via is the default via type.

    via(LayerIndex(1), LayerIndex(2),
        radius = 0.3, hole-radius = 0.125,
        type = BlindVia) 
        at Point(1.0, 0.0) 

Create a blind/buried via from the 2nd to 3rd copper layer from the top at (x,y) = (1mm,0), with an 0.3mm radius capture pad, and a 0.125mm drill radius.

    via(LayerIndex(0), LayerIndex(1),
        radius = 0.1, hole-radius = 0.05,
        type = MicroVia) 
        at Point(2.0, 0.0) 

Create a micro via from the 1st to 2nd copper layer at (x,y) = (2.0mm, 0.0mm), with an 0.1mm radius capture pad, and a 0.05mm drill radius.