; When renaming the stanza package name below, also rename it in the folder stanza.proj
; See docs.jitx.com for help
defpackage components/AP2205:
import core
import collections
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import ocdb/utils/defaults
import ocdb/utils/landpatterns
import ocdb/utils/box-symbol
import ocdb/utils/bundles
import ocdb/utils/generic-components
import ocdb/utils/property-structs ; <--- helpers for checks
pcb-landpattern lp-AP2205 :
primary-num-pins, secondary-num-pins,
primary-pin-pitch, secondary-pin-pitch,
lead-span, package-length, package-width,
terminal-length, terminal-width) where :
val primary-num-pins = 3
val secondary-num-pins = 2
val primary-pin-pitch = 0.95
val secondary-pin-pitch = 2.0 * primary-pin-pitch
val lead-span = min-typ-max(2.70, 2.80, 3.00)
val package-length = min-typ-max(2.90, 3.00, 3.10)
val package-width = min-typ-max(1.50, 1.60, 1.70)
val terminal-length = min-typ-max(0.35, 0.40, 0.55)
val terminal-width = min-typ-max(0.35, 0.38, 0.50)
public pcb-component component :
name = "AP2205"
description = "Adjustable LDO Regulator"
mpn = "AP2205-W5-7"
manufacturer = "Diodes Incorporated"
reference-prefix = "U"
; Compute the power and generic pin properties
val recommended-voltage = min-max(2.3, 24.0)
val maximum-voltage = typ(36.0)
val esd-voltage = 1000.0
val power-props = PowerPin(recommended-voltage)
val gen-props = GenericPin(maximum-voltage, esd-voltage)
val max-output-current = 250.0e-3
pin-properties :
[pin:Ref | pads:Int ... | side:Dir ]
[vin | 1 | Left ]
[gnd | 2 | Down ]
[enable | 3 | Left ]
[adj | 4 | Down ]
[vout | 5 | Right ]
property(self.vin.generic-pin) = gen-props
property(self.enable.generic-pin) = gen-props
property(self.vin.generic-pin) = gen-props
property(self.vin.power-pin) = ocdb/utils/property-structs/PowerPin(recommended-voltage)
property(self.adj.vref) = min-typ-max(1.215, 1.24, 1.265)
property(self.vout.max-current) = 250.0e-3
public pcb-module module (vout:Double) :
port in : power
port out : power
port enable
; Instantiate the component
inst ldo : components/AP2205/component
; Wire up the LDO to the module ports
net VIN (ldo.vin, in.vdd)
net VOUT (ldo.vout, out.vdd)
net GND (ldo.gnd, in.gnd, out.gnd)
net (ldo.enable, enable)
cap-strap(ldo.vin, ldo.gnd, 1.0e-6)
cap-strap(ldo.vout, ldo.gnd, 2.2e-6)
inst output-voltage-divider : ocdb/modules/passive-circuits/voltage-divider(source-voltage = high-voltage, divider-output = adj-voltage, tolerance = tolerance, current = current) where :
val high-voltage = vout
val adj-voltage = typ(property(ldo.adj.vref))
val tolerance = 1.0
val current = 0.5e-3
net (output-voltage-divider.in, ldo.vout)
net (output-voltage-divider.out, ldo.adj)
net (output-voltage-divider.lo, ldo.gnd)
symbol(GND) = ocdb/utils/symbols/ground-sym
; Assign the property to the LDO's output pin. We lookup the
; maximum current using the `property(...)` introspection.
property(ldo.vout.power-supply-pin) =
ocdb/utils/property-structs/PowerSupplyPin(typ(vout), property(ldo.vout.max-current) as Double)