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The variant statement provides the flexibility for the design to have variations on the components used. Each variant is identified with its name. The apply-variants command takes a list of variant names and applies them to create the variation specified for the design.


pcb-module my-module :
  port power
  inst dnp-me : my-component
  inst my-res : my-resistor(1000.0)

  ; Change component status
  variant "DNP" :
    ; Change component status
    instance-status(dnp-me) :
      board-status = NotOnBoard

  ; Switch the component of an instance
  variant "High Resistance" :
    component(my-res) = my-resistor(1.0e06)

  ; Change property "voltage" of a pin
  variant "High Power" :
      state(power.voltage) = "high"

  ; Change property "rated-temperature" of the instance my-inst
  variant "TOUGH Fuse" :
    property(my-inst.rated-temperature) = min-max(-40.0 85.0)

; Apply Variants
val variation = apply-variants(["DNP" "High Power" "High Resistance"] my-module)


variant "variant name" : Specifies a Variant that may alter the inst in this module. Its application is determined by a command apply-variants later in top level.

For example, if later on, a top level command val new-module = apply-variants(["DNP" "High Power"] my-module) is executed, the inst dnp-me will become do-not-populate and power pin will have 5V in new-module.

The following statements are supported within a variant statement: * instance-status and do-not-populate statements modify the on-board and BOM statuses of components. * state and property statements modify the property/state of an instance * component statement replaces the component of an instance by another component, provided they have the same landpattern.

Example Code

defpackage my-design :
  import core
  import jitx
  import jitx/commands
  import jitx/emodels
  import ocdb/utils/defaults
  import ocdb/utils/landpatterns 
             ; smd-pad, also needs default rules in ocdb/utils/defaults

pcb-component my-component :
  name = "my component"
  property(self.rated-temperature) = min-max(-55.0 125.0)

pcb-landpattern my-landpattern :
  pad a : smd-pad(Circle(1.0)) at loc(0.0, 0.0) on Top
  ;pad a : square-pad at loc(0.0, 0.0) on Top
  layer(SolderMask(Top)) = Rectangle(1.25, 1.25)

pcb-component my-resistor (resistance:Double):
  emodel = Resistor(resistance)

pcb-module main:
  port gnd
  port power
  port signal

  ; Change component status
  public inst my-inst : my-component
  variant "DNP" :
    instance-status(my-inst) :
      board-status = NotOnBoard

  ; Switch the component of an instance to another one with the same landpattern
  public inst my-res : my-resistor(10.0e3)
  variant "High Resistance":
    component(my-res) = my-resistor(10.0e6)

  ; Change property "voltage" of the pin power
  property(power.voltage) = Stateful(["low" => 1.8, "medium" => 3.3, "high" => 5.0])
  state(power.voltage) = "low"
  variant "High Power" :
    state(power.voltage) = "high"
  variant "Medium Power" :
    state(power.voltage) = "medium" 

  ; Change property "rated-temperature" of the instance fuse
  variant "TOUGH Fuse" :
    property(my-inst.rated-temperature) = min-max(-40.0 85.0)

; Apply Variants
val variation = apply-variants(["DNP" "High Power" "High Resistance"] main)

; Verify the variants are properly applied
println $ do-not-populate?(
println $ state(variation.power.voltage)
println $ emodel?(

The output of the above code would be
