Completed Code for the Quickstart: Organize a Design Tutorial

Also the starting code for the Quickstart: Circuit Generators Tutorial

defpackage main :
  import core
  import jitx
  import jitx/commands
  import ocdb/utils/generic-components
  import helpers

; Define the shape/size of the board
val board-shape = RoundedRectangle(35.0, 25.0, 0.25)

; Setup the board
defn setup-board () :
  set-board(ocdb/utils/defaults/default-board(ocdb/manufacturers/stackups/jlcpcb-jlc2313, board-shape))

pcb-module lm317a-regulator (output-voltage:Toleranced) :
  pin vin
  pin vout
  pin gnd
  pin adj

  inst lm317a : ocdb/components/unisonic/LM317A/component
  net (vin  lm317a.input)
  net (vout lm317a.output)
  cap-strap(lm317a.input, gnd, 0.1e-6)
  cap-strap(lm317a.output, gnd, 1.0e-6)
  inst output-voltage-divider : ocdb/modules/passive-circuits/voltage-divider(source-voltage = in-voltage, divider-output = adj-voltage, current = current) where :
    val in-voltage = output-voltage
    val adj-voltage = tol%(1.25, 15.0)
    val current = 5.0e-3

  ; inside pcb-module lm317a-regulator 
  schematic-group(self) = lm317a
  layout-group(self) = lm317a

  net ( lm317a.output) 
  net (output-voltage-divider.out lm317a.adj adj) 
  net (output-voltage-divider.lo gnd)

; Module to run as a design
pcb-module my-design :
  val target-voltage = tol%(3.3, 10.0)
  inst reg : lm317a-regulator(target-voltage)

  ; Write the board version on silkscreen
  inst version-label  : ocdb/artwork/board-text/version-silkscreen("Version 0.0")
  place(version-label) at loc(0.0, height(board-shape) / 2.0 - 1.0) on Bottom

  inst source : banana-plug-module() ; shortcut to instantiate and place two `banana-plug`s plus the electrical support
  net gnd (reg.gnd, source.power.gnd)
  net vin (, source.power.vdd)

  inst measure : bnc-connector()
  net vout (reg.vout, measure.sig)
  net (gnd, measure.gnd)

  val test-points = add-testpoint([reg.adj, gnd])

  val target-current = 450.0e-3
  val target-load = closest-std-val(typ-value(target-voltage) / target-current, 5.0)
  inst load : chip-resistor(["resistance" => target-load, "min-rated-power" => typ-value(target-voltage) * target-current * 2.0 ])

  net (load.p[1], reg.vout)
  net (load.p[2], gnd)

  symbol(gnd) = ocdb/utils/symbols/ground-sym ; has to be placed after the definition of the net itself
  symbol(vout) = ocdb/utils/symbols/supply-sym ; has to be placed after the definition of the net itself

  ; add a ground plane
  geom(gnd) :
    copper-pour(LayerIndex(1), isolate = 0.1, rank = 1, orphans = true) = Rectangle(width(board-shape) - 1.0, height(board-shape) - 1.0)

  ; add a net class for power nets
  val power-net-class = NetClass(`Power, [`min-trace => 0.381])
  property( = power-net-class
  property( = power-net-class
  property( = power-net-class

  ; inside pcb-module my-module
  schematic-group([test-points, measure]) = test
  layout-group([test-points, measure]) = test

  ;inside pcb-module my-module
  schematic-group(load) = schematic-group(reg)
  layout-group(load) = layout-group(reg)

; Run the code
set-current-design("jitx-design") ;set the directory where the generated output will be placed

; Use a helper function from helpers.stanza (use any helper function here)
; run-check-on-design(my-design)

; View the results