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A pcb-pad statement represents a single electrical lead interface in a pcb-landpattern.


pcb-pad pad-name (arg1:<Type1>, ...) :
  name = <String>
  description = <String>
  type = <PadType>
  shape = <Shape>
  edge = <True|False>
  layer(<LayerSpecifier>) = <Shape>

The expression name pad-name uniquely identifies this pad definition in the current context.

The argument list (arg1:Type1, ...) is optional and provides a means of constructing parameterized pad definitions.

  • Required parameters
  • type - Pad type; either SMD or TH
  • shape - Pad shape; a Shape expression specifying the shape of the copper on all copper layers.
  • Optional parameters
  • name - Will be used in place of "pad-name" in the UI if available.
  • description - String providing metadata for the pad definition.
  • edge - Sets if the pad is an edge connector
  • layer - A layer statement defining the pad's geometry on a non-copper layer of the circuit board.


Here is a simple example of a parameterized pcb-pad: a generator for BGA pads of specified diameter:

public pcb-pad bga-pad (diameter:Double) :
  name = "SMD Pad"
  type = SMD

  val radius = diameter / 2.0
  val pad-shape = Circle(radius)

  ; Pad is circular
  shape = pad-shape

  ; Paste layer: Radius 5% smaller
  layer(Paste(Top)) = expand(pad-shape, -(0.05 * radius))

  ; Check current design rules to get soldermask clearance
  val soldermask-amount = clearance(current-rules(), SolderMaskRegistration)

  ; Soldermask layer is larger than pad
  layer(SolderMask(Top)) = expand(pad-shape, soldermask-amount)

Our bga-pad definition constructs circular SMD pads by computing the pad shape, then adding a slightly larger circular soldermask layer. We can use this to build a BGA landpattern.

The image below shows the structure of our pad definition: We use the expand function to construct soldermask outside of the copper pad, and we reuse it with a negative parameter to construct a paste layer inside of the pad.


Here is another example, this time of a non-plated through-hole pad:

; Non-plated TH pad
public pcb-pad npth-pad (drill-radius:Double) :
  name = "NPTH-Pad"
  type = TH
  ; Pad is circular
  val hole-shape = Circle(drill-radius)
  shape = hole-shape
  layer(Cutout()) = hole-shape

The type statement specifies that it is a through-hole pad. The Cutout() layer is the same shape as the pad itself, which implicitly removes the pad and its plating. Since it's non-plated we do not need to worry about a paste layer. We could add a soldermask layer if needed.