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Package name: jsl/layerstack


Data Types


Base class for Defining the Layer Material


Function Description
LayerMaterial Constructor for defstruct LayerMaterial


Function Description



Function Description
FR4 Create a Generic FR4 layer
Soldermask Create a Generic Soldermask layer



Function Description
FR4 Create a Generic FR4 layer
add-top Add one or more layers to the top of the board stackup.
add-symmetric Symmetrically add another copper layer with dielectric to the stackup
conductors Get the idx-th conductor layer
Soldermask Create a Generic Soldermask layer
make-layer-stack Construct a LayerStack with a tuple of outer layers.
get-conductor Retrieve the conductor LayerSpec and the adjacent dielectric layers if any
get Get a layer by index
add-bottom Add one or more layers to the bottom of the board stackup.
add-soldermask Add a soldermask layer to both sides of the board.
Copper Create a Copper layer



Function Description
Copper Create a Copper layer
compute-thickness Compute conductor layer thickness in mm from the layer weight (oz / ft^2)



Function Description
get-conductor Retrieve the conductor LayerSpec and the adjacent dielectric layers if any
get-conductor-count Get the total number of conductor layers in the layer stack.
get Get a layer by index
add-bottom Add one or more layers to the bottom of the board stackup.
add-top Add one or more layers to the top of the board stackup.
add-soldermask Add a soldermask layer to both sides of the board.
add-symmetric Symmetrically add another copper layer with dielectric to the stackup
conductors Get the idx-th conductor layer
make-layer-stack Construct a LayerStack with a tuple of outer layers.

General Definitions

Variable Description



Base class for Defining the Layer Material

public defstruct LayerMaterial <: Hashable & Equalable
    description: Maybe<String>
    material-def: Maybe<JITXDef>
    name: Maybe<String>
    type: MaterialType

  • description: Maybe<String>

  • material-def: Maybe<JITXDef>

  • name: Maybe<String>

  • type: MaterialType



Constructor for defstruct LayerMaterial

public defn LayerMaterial (name:Maybe<String>, type:MaterialType, description:Maybe<String>, material-def:Maybe<JITXDef>)



public defn get-type (x:LayerMaterial) -> MaterialType

  • Returns MaterialType


public defn LayerSpec ( -- name:String = ?, desc:String = ?, material:LayerMaterial, thickness:Double) -> LayerSpec

  • Returns LayerSpec


public defstruct DielectricMaterial <: LayerMaterial
    dielectric-coefficient: Maybe<Double>
    is-soldermask: True|False
    loss-tangent: Maybe<Double>

  • dielectric-coefficient: Maybe<Double>

  • is-soldermask: True|False

  • loss-tangent: Maybe<Double>



Create a Generic FR4 layer

public defn FR4 (thickness:Double, material:DielectricMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: DielectricMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic FR4-Material definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: FR4(1.0) : specify thickness in mm FR4(1.2, name = "core-1") : specify thickness and name FR4(0.3, Isola370, name = "prepreg") : specify thickness, material and name


public defn DielectricMaterial ( -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?, dielectric-coefficient:Double = ?, roughness:Double = ?, loss-tangent:Double = ?, material-def:JITXDef = ?, is-soldermask:True|False = ?) -> DielectricMaterial

  • Returns DielectricMaterial


Create a Generic Soldermask layer

public defn Soldermask (thickness:Double, material:DielectricMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: DielectricMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic SoldermaskMaterial definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec


public defstruct LayerSpec <: Equalable
    description: Maybe<String>
    material: LayerMaterial
    name: Maybe<String>
    thickness: Double

  • description: Maybe<String>

  • material: LayerMaterial

  • name: Maybe<String>

  • thickness: Double



public defn get-name (x:LayerSpec) -> Maybe<String>

  • Returns Maybe<String>


Create a Generic FR4 layer

public defn FR4 (thickness:Double, material:DielectricMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: DielectricMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic FR4-Material definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: FR4(1.0) : specify thickness in mm FR4(1.2, name = "core-1") : specify thickness and name FR4(0.3, Isola370, name = "prepreg") : specify thickness, material and name


Add one or more layers to the top of the board stackup.

public defn add-top (l-set:LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec>, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • l-set: LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec> - layer or set of layers to add to the top of the stack. Note that if this value is a collection, then the layers will be added to the stack one at a time. For example:
add-top( [dielectric, copper], stack)

This will add the dielectric to the top of the stack, and then the copper on top of that. - s: LayerStack - LayerStack we are adding to. - Returns LayerStack - The modified layer stack object

When used on its own, this function is useful for creating asymmetric pcb stackups. This function is most useful when used on a non-empty layer stack.


public defn make-stack-statement (x:LayerSpec)


Symmetrically add another copper layer with dielectric to the stackup

public defn add-symmetric (copper:LayerSpec, dielectric:LayerSpec, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • copper: LayerSpec - Copper Layer to add to the top and the bottom
  • dielectric: LayerSpec - Dielectric Layer to add to the top and the bottom.
  • s: LayerStack - The LayerStack object
  • Returns LayerStack - The LayerStack object that was passed in.

This function takes the current stackup and adds the dielectric layer on both sides, followed by the copper layer on both sides.

This results in a board that is built up from the center with 2 more dielectric layers, and 2 more copper layers. This constructs a symmetric stackup.

val stack = LayerStack(name = "6-Layer Symmetric Stackup")

val copper-35um = Copper(0.035, name = "cu")
val core-FR4 = FR4(1.0, name = "core")
val prepreg-FR4 = FR4(0.5, name = "prepreg")

add-symmetric(copper-35um, core-FR4,
  add-symmetric(copper-35um, prepreg-FR4,
    add-symmetric(copper-35um, core-FR4, stack)


Get the idx-th conductor layer

public defn conductors (ls:LayerStack) -> Tuple<LayerSpec>

  • Returns Tuple<LayerSpec>

Usage: conductors(stack)[idx]


public defn LayerSpec ( -- name:String = ?, desc:String = ?, material:LayerMaterial, thickness:Double) -> LayerSpec

  • Returns LayerSpec


Create a Generic Soldermask layer

public defn Soldermask (thickness:Double, material:DielectricMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: DielectricMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic SoldermaskMaterial definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec


Construct a LayerStack with a tuple of outer layers.

public defn make-layer-stack (name:String, top-layers:Tuple<[LayerSpec, LayerSpec]> -- description:String = ?, soldermask:LayerSpec = ?) -> LayerStack

  • name: String - The name of the LayerStack
  • top-layers: Tuple<[LayerSpec, LayerSpec]> - The pairs of mechanical and dielectric layers, from outer to inner layers.
  • description: String - The description of the LayerStack
  • Returns LayerStack


  val copper-35um = Copper(0.035)
  val copper-17_5um = Copper(0.0175)
  val jlcpcb-jlc2313 = make-layer-stack("JLCPCB 4-layer 1.6mm", outer-layers,
    soldermask = soldermask) where :
    val soldermask = Soldermask(0.019, SoldermaskMaterial)
    val prepreg-2313 = FR4(0.1, FR4-Material-2313)
    val core-2313 = FR4(1.265, FR4-Material-Core)
    val outer-layers = [
      [copper-35um prepreg-2313]
      [copper-17_5um core-2313]
The LayerStack created has these layers: [ soldermask copper-35um prepreg-2313 copper-17_5um core-2313 copper-17_5um prepreg-2313 copper-35um soldermask ]


public defn is-soldermask (l:LayerSpec) -> True|False

  • Returns True|False


Retrieve the conductor LayerSpec and the adjacent dielectric layers if any

public defn get-conductor (ls:LayerStack, index:Int) -> [Maybe<LayerSpec>, LayerSpec, Maybe<LayerSpec>]

  • ls: LayerStack - LayerStack object to interrogate
  • index: Int - Conductor layer to inspect. This is a zero-based index where the top layer is 0, the first inner layer is 1, etc.
  • Returns [Maybe<LayerSpec>, LayerSpec, Maybe<LayerSpec>]

When calculating trace widths, etc it is often useful to know the features of the copper layers those traces will be placed on. This function helps extract the copper layer data as well as the adjacent dielectric layers if any.


Get a layer by index

public defn get (ls:LayerStack, idx:Int) -> LayerSpec

  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: stack[idx]


public defn set-name (l:LayerSpec, name:String)


Add one or more layers to the bottom of the board stackup.

public defn add-bottom (l-set:LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec>, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • l-set: LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec> - layer or set of layers to add to the top of the stack. Note that if this value is a collection, then the layers will be added to the stack one at a time. For example:
add-bottom( [dielectric, copper], stack)

This will add the dielectric to the bottom of the stack, and then the copper after the dielectric. - s: LayerStack - LayerStack we are adding to. - Returns LayerStack - The modified layer stack object

When used on its own, this function is useful for creating asymmetric pcb stackups. This function is most useful when used on a non-empty layer stack.


public defn LayerStack ( -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?, initial-layers:Seqable<LayerSpec> = ?) -> LayerStack

  • Returns LayerStack


Add a soldermask layer to both sides of the board.

public defn add-soldermask (sm:LayerSpec, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • Returns LayerStack


Create a Copper layer

public defn Copper (thickness:Double, material:ConductorMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: ConductorMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic CopperMaterial definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: Copper(0.3) : specify thickness Copper(0.3, name = "Cu") : specify thickness and name Copper(0.3, CustomCuMaterial, name = "PWR") : specify thickness, material and name


public defstruct ConductorMaterial <: LayerMaterial
    density: Double
    roughness: Maybe<Double>

  • density: Double - Density of this Conductor material in g / mm^3

  • roughness: Maybe<Double> - Surface roughness in mm RMS.



Create a Copper layer

public defn Copper (thickness:Double, material:ConductorMaterial = ? -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?) -> LayerSpec

  • thickness: Double - thickness of the layer in mm
  • material: ConductorMaterial - material of the layer. The default is the generic CopperMaterial definition.
  • name: String - name of the layer - by default this is None() implying no name.
  • description: String - Descriptive text for this layer. By default this is None() implying no description
  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: Copper(0.3) : specify thickness Copper(0.3, name = "Cu") : specify thickness and name Copper(0.3, CustomCuMaterial, name = "PWR") : specify thickness, material and name


Compute conductor layer thickness in mm from the layer weight (oz / ft^2)

public defn compute-thickness (x:ConductorMaterial, weight:Double) -> Double

  • x: ConductorMaterial - Conductor Material type
  • weight: Double - expects a value like 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 etc for the weight of the metal layer in oz / ft^2.
  • Returns Double - Layer thickness in mm


public defn ConductorMaterial ( -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?, density:Double, roughness:Double = ?, material-def:JITXDef = ?) -> ConductorMaterial

  • Returns ConductorMaterial


public defstruct LayerStack
    description: Maybe<String>
    layers: Vector<LayerSpec>
    name: Maybe<String>

  • description: Maybe<String>

  • layers: Vector<LayerSpec>

  • name: Maybe<String>



Retrieve the conductor LayerSpec and the adjacent dielectric layers if any

public defn get-conductor (ls:LayerStack, index:Int) -> [Maybe<LayerSpec>, LayerSpec, Maybe<LayerSpec>]

  • ls: LayerStack - LayerStack object to interrogate
  • index: Int - Conductor layer to inspect. This is a zero-based index where the top layer is 0, the first inner layer is 1, etc.
  • Returns [Maybe<LayerSpec>, LayerSpec, Maybe<LayerSpec>]

When calculating trace widths, etc it is often useful to know the features of the copper layers those traces will be placed on. This function helps extract the copper layer data as well as the adjacent dielectric layers if any.


Get the total number of conductor layers in the layer stack.

public defn get-conductor-count (ls:LayerStack) -> Int

  • Returns Int

This is the number of signal and plane layers that are available in this stackup.


public defn create-pcb-stackup (ls:LayerStack)


Get a layer by index

public defn get (ls:LayerStack, idx:Int) -> LayerSpec

  • Returns LayerSpec

Usage: stack[idx]


Add one or more layers to the bottom of the board stackup.

public defn add-bottom (l-set:LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec>, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • l-set: LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec> - layer or set of layers to add to the top of the stack. Note that if this value is a collection, then the layers will be added to the stack one at a time. For example:
add-bottom( [dielectric, copper], stack)

This will add the dielectric to the bottom of the stack, and then the copper after the dielectric. - s: LayerStack - LayerStack we are adding to. - Returns LayerStack - The modified layer stack object

When used on its own, this function is useful for creating asymmetric pcb stackups. This function is most useful when used on a non-empty layer stack.


public defn LayerStack ( -- name:String = ?, description:String = ?, initial-layers:Seqable<LayerSpec> = ?) -> LayerStack

  • Returns LayerStack


Add one or more layers to the top of the board stackup.

public defn add-top (l-set:LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec>, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • l-set: LayerSpec|Collection<LayerSpec> - layer or set of layers to add to the top of the stack. Note that if this value is a collection, then the layers will be added to the stack one at a time. For example:
add-top( [dielectric, copper], stack)

This will add the dielectric to the top of the stack, and then the copper on top of that. - s: LayerStack - LayerStack we are adding to. - Returns LayerStack - The modified layer stack object

When used on its own, this function is useful for creating asymmetric pcb stackups. This function is most useful when used on a non-empty layer stack.


Add a soldermask layer to both sides of the board.

public defn add-soldermask (sm:LayerSpec, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • Returns LayerStack


Symmetrically add another copper layer with dielectric to the stackup

public defn add-symmetric (copper:LayerSpec, dielectric:LayerSpec, s:LayerStack) -> LayerStack

  • copper: LayerSpec - Copper Layer to add to the top and the bottom
  • dielectric: LayerSpec - Dielectric Layer to add to the top and the bottom.
  • s: LayerStack - The LayerStack object
  • Returns LayerStack - The LayerStack object that was passed in.

This function takes the current stackup and adds the dielectric layer on both sides, followed by the copper layer on both sides.

This results in a board that is built up from the center with 2 more dielectric layers, and 2 more copper layers. This constructs a symmetric stackup.

val stack = LayerStack(name = "6-Layer Symmetric Stackup")

val copper-35um = Copper(0.035, name = "cu")
val core-FR4 = FR4(1.0, name = "core")
val prepreg-FR4 = FR4(0.5, name = "prepreg")

add-symmetric(copper-35um, core-FR4,
  add-symmetric(copper-35um, prepreg-FR4,
    add-symmetric(copper-35um, core-FR4, stack)


Get the idx-th conductor layer

public defn conductors (ls:LayerStack) -> Tuple<LayerSpec>

  • Returns Tuple<LayerSpec>

Usage: conductors(stack)[idx]


Construct a LayerStack with a tuple of outer layers.

public defn make-layer-stack (name:String, top-layers:Tuple<[LayerSpec, LayerSpec]> -- description:String = ?, soldermask:LayerSpec = ?) -> LayerStack

  • name: String - The name of the LayerStack
  • top-layers: Tuple<[LayerSpec, LayerSpec]> - The pairs of mechanical and dielectric layers, from outer to inner layers.
  • description: String - The description of the LayerStack
  • Returns LayerStack


  val copper-35um = Copper(0.035)
  val copper-17_5um = Copper(0.0175)
  val jlcpcb-jlc2313 = make-layer-stack("JLCPCB 4-layer 1.6mm", outer-layers,
    soldermask = soldermask) where :
    val soldermask = Soldermask(0.019, SoldermaskMaterial)
    val prepreg-2313 = FR4(0.1, FR4-Material-2313)
    val core-2313 = FR4(1.265, FR4-Material-Core)
    val outer-layers = [
      [copper-35um prepreg-2313]
      [copper-17_5um core-2313]
The LayerStack created has these layers: [ soldermask copper-35um prepreg-2313 copper-17_5um core-2313 copper-17_5um prepreg-2313 copper-35um soldermask ]

General Definitions


public val CopperMaterial


public val AluminumMaterial


public val FR4-Material


public val SoldermaskMaterial