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Package name: jsl/symbols/box-symbol


Data Types


Parameters for Box Symbol Glyph Construction


Function Description
BoxSymbolParams (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct BoxSymbolParams



Function Description
get-rows (+ 1) Get the total number of rows in the pin grid.
set-grid (+ 1) Set the grid for a component
has-grid? Check for an active grid
get-columns (+ 1) Get the total number of columns in the pin grid.
find-pins-by-regex Find a set of pins that match a particular query
add-decorator (+ 1) Add a particular decorator[s] to the passed pins.


General Definitions

Function Description
set-head-margin (+ 1)
set-tail-margin (+ 1)
set-column (+ 1) Set the Column assignment for these pins
set-side (+ 1) Set the side of the box symbol to assign to a pin or set of pins
set-group (+ 1)
set-bank (+ 1)
set-alignment (+ 1)
set-grid-edge Set the pin grid position for a pin or set of pins.
assign-symbols (+ 1)
set-row (+ 1) Set the Row assignment for these pins



Parameters for Box Symbol Glyph Construction

public defstruct BoxSymbolParams <: SymbolParams
    line-width: Double
    min-col-width: Int
    min-row-width: Int
    pad-ref-size: Double
    pin-length: Double
    pin-name-size: Double
    pin-pitch: Double
    show-grid: True|False

  • line-width: Double

  • min-col-width: Int

  • min-row-width: Int

  • pad-ref-size: Double - Font size for pad names that appear on the symbol.

  • pin-length: Double

  • pin-name-size: Double - Font size for pin names that appear on the symbol.

  • pin-pitch: Double - Spacing between input pins. This value is in symbol grid units. The best values are whole numbers or half-numbers (0.5, 1.5, etc).

  • show-grid: True|False - Show row/col grid lines for debugging.

This type contains various parmaeters that we may want to apply to all box symbols. We provide default values for a sane consistent default look.



Constructor for defstruct BoxSymbolParams

public defn BoxSymbolParams (min-col-width:Int, min-row-width:Int = ?, line-width:Double = ?, pin-length:Double = ?, pad-ref-size:Double = ?, pin-pitch:Double = ?, pin-name-size:Double = ?, show-grid:True|False = ?, label-params?:Maybe<SymbolLabelParams> = ?)


Constructor for defstruct BoxSymbolParams

public defn BoxSymbolParams ( -- min-col-width:Int = ?, min-row-width:Int = ?, line-width:Double = ?, pin-length:Double = ?, pad-ref-size:Double = ?, pin-pitch:Double = ?, pin-name-size:Double = ?, show-grid:True|False = ?, label-params?:Maybe<SymbolLabelParams> = ?)



public defn set-default-box-symbol-params (v:BoxSymbolParams) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn BoxSymbol (obj:Instantiable|Self -- params:BoxSymbolParams = ?) -> BoxSymbol

  • Returns BoxSymbol


public defn get-default-box-symbol-params () -> BoxSymbolParams

  • Returns BoxSymbolParams


public defstruct BoxSymbol <: SymbolDefn
    banks: HashTable<Int|Ref, GridInfo>
    decorator-by-pin: HashTable<Ref, Vector<PinDecorator>>
    grid: GridInfo
    obj: Instantiable|Self
    params: Maybe<BoxSymbolParams>
    prop-by-group: HashTable<String, HashTable<Symbol, ?>>

  • banks: HashTable<Int|Ref, GridInfo>

  • decorator-by-pin: HashTable<Ref, Vector<PinDecorator>>

  • grid: GridInfo

  • obj: Instantiable|Self - This is the component from which we are building this symbol This component object will provide the pins and pin properties needed to construct the box symbol.

  • params: Maybe<BoxSymbolParams> - Optional Explicit Parameters for this Box Symbol This is useful for testing or explicitly overriding the defaults without changing them for the rest of the schematic.

  • prop-by-group: HashTable<String, HashTable<Symbol, ?>>



public defn set-head-margin (box:BoxSymbol, margin:Double, group:String)


public defn set-tail-margin (box:BoxSymbol, margin:Double, group:String)


Get the total number of rows in the pin grid.

public defn get-rows (b:BoxSymbol) -> Int

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • Returns Int - number of rows in the pin grid of the given bank. If no pin grid is active for this bank, this function returns 0.

This function is for components with only one symbol unit.


Get the total number of rows in the pin grid of a particular symbol unit.

public defn get-rows (b:BoxSymbol, bank:Int|Ref) -> Int

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • bank: Int|Ref - Selects for a particular symbol unit.
  • Returns Int - number of rows in the pin grid of the given bank. If no pin grid is active for this bank, this function returns 0.


Set the grid for a component

public defn set-grid (b:BoxSymbol, dims:[Int, Int])

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • dims: [Int, Int] - Tuple of [row,column] where row & column must be greater than zero.


public defn set-grid (b:BoxSymbol, dims:[Int, Int], bank:Int|Ref)


public defn BoxSymbol (obj:Instantiable|Self -- params:BoxSymbolParams = ?) -> BoxSymbol

  • Returns BoxSymbol


Check for an active grid

public defn has-grid? (b:BoxSymbol) -> True|False

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • Returns True|False - boolean that indicates of a grid is present on this symbol or not.

Components like resistors, capacitors, etc might not have an active grid.


public defn pins-in-group (b:BoxSymbol, group:String) -> Tuple<JITXObject>

  • Returns Tuple<JITXObject>


Get the total number of columns in the pin grid.

public defn get-columns (b:BoxSymbol) -> Int

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • Returns Int - number of columns in the pin grid of component symbol. If no pin grid is active, this function returns 0.

This function is for components that have only one symbol unit.


Get the total number of columns in the pin grid of a particular symbol unit.

public defn get-columns (b:BoxSymbol, bank:Int|Ref) -> Int

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • bank: Int|Ref - Selects for a particular symbol unit.
  • Returns Int - number of columns in the pin grid of the given bank. If no pin grid is active for this bank, this function returns 0.


public defn create-symbol (x:BoxSymbol, bank:Int|Ref|False -- pose:Pose = ?, scale:Double = ?, description:String = ?) -> SchematicSymbol

  • Returns SchematicSymbol


Find a set of pins that match a particular query

public defn find-pins-by-regex (b:BoxSymbol, pattern:String -- bank:Int|Ref = ?, row:Int|Ref = ?, column:Int|Ref = ?) -> Vector<JITXObject>

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol object
  • pattern: String - Glob pattern used to find specific pins by the string variant of the pin reference. For example, if the there is a pin D.p[0], D.p[1], D.p[2], M.p[0], M.p[1] and M.p[2] The user could use a glob pattern D.p[*] to select D.p[0], D.p[1], D.p[2]
  • bank: Int|Ref - Optional bank selector so that will limit query to selecting only pins from this particular bank (symbol unit).
  • row: Int|Ref - Optional row selector that will limit query to selecting only pins from this particular row of the box grid.
  • column: Int|Ref - Optional column selector that will limit query to selecting only pins from this particular column of the box grid.
  • Returns Vector<JITXObject> - Tuple of Pins that match the given criteria.


Add a particular decorator[s] to the passed pins.

public defn add-decorator (b:BoxSymbol, pin-set:Seqable<JITXObject>, decorators:Seqable<PinDecorator>)

  • b: BoxSymbol - Box Symbol Object
  • pin-set: Seqable<JITXObject> - Pin or Set of Pins to add the decorator to.
  • decorators: Seqable<PinDecorator> - One or More decorators to add to these pins.

NOTE: Multiple decorators may not stack well yet - WIP.


public defn add-decorator (b:BoxSymbol, p:JITXObject, decorator:PinDecorator)


public deftype UnitSymbol

General Definitions


public defn set-head-margin (margin:Double, pins:JITXObject ...)


public defn set-head-margin (margin:Double, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


public defn set-tail-margin (margin:Double, pins:JITXObject ...)


public defn set-tail-margin (margin:Double, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


Set the Column assignment for these pins

public defn set-column (col:Int, pins:JITXObject ...)

Typically this would be used when the side parameter had already been set on these pins to Up or Down. The side parameter would then drive the row assignment to 0 or M-1 where M is the number of rows.


public defn set-column (col:Int, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


Set the side of the box symbol to assign to a pin or set of pins

public defn set-side (side:Dir, pins:JITXObject ...)

  • side: Dir - Selects the edge of a box symbol on to which the pins will be drawn
  • pins: JITXObject - One Pin or a Tuple of Pins present on obj that will be added to a side.

This function will set the direction and side of the passed pins.

If a grid exists - then the appropriate column/row will be selected. For example, The Top side would be given row 0. The Left side would be given column 0. A Right side would be given column N-1 where N is the number of columns.

If the grid does not exist, then adding a side parameter for a set of pins would begin constructing the grid. For example, Adding a set of pins on the Right and Left would construct a grid of 1 row and 2 columns. Subsequent operations might increase the number of rows if Top and Bottom pin sets were added. In this case, the row & column indices for the first group of Right and Left pins would need to be modified. They would move from row index 0 to row index 1. The Right side pins would move to column index 2. The Top side pins would be in row index 0 and column index 1.

NOTE: If this is too complex - we can add the constraint that the user must add the grid first, but in order to match the existing functionality, I think we would need to support this.


public defn set-side (side:Dir, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


public defn set-group (group:String, pins:JITXObject ...)


public defn set-group (group:String, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


public defn set-bank (bank:Int|Ref, pins:JITXObject ...)


public defn set-bank (bank:Int|Ref, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


public defn set-alignment (pos:Anchor, pins:JITXObject ...)


public defn set-alignment (pos:Anchor, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)


Set the pin grid position for a pin or set of pins.

public defn set-grid-edge (row:Int, column:Int, pins:JITXObject ...)

  • row: Int - Row index into the pin grid.
  • column: Int - Column index into the pin grid.
  • pins: JITXObject - One Pin or a Tuple of Pins present on obj that will be added to a group.
  • Throws IndexError - If either the row or column are outside the active grid cells

If the grid does not exist yet - this is an error and this function should throw an exception.

There are only a limited set of valid row/column combinations based on the edges of the box symbol.


public defn assign-symbols (banks:KeyValue<Int|Ref, UnitSymbol> ...) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn assign-symbols (banks:Seqable<KeyValue<Int|Ref, UnitSymbol>>) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn reset-default-box-symbol-params () -> False

  • Returns False


Set the Row assignment for these pins

public defn set-row (row:Int, pins:JITXObject ...)

Typically this would be used when the side parameter had already been set on these pins to Left or Right. The side parameter would then drive the column assignment to either 0 or N-1 where N is the number of columns .


public defn set-row (row:Int, pins:Seqable<JITXObject>)

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