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Package name: jsl/bundles/gates


General Definitions

Function Description
gate N-Input Logic Gate Bundle
make-gate-supports Make supports statements for a Logic Gate.


General Definitions


N-Input Logic Gate Bundle

public pcb-bundle gate (num-inputs:Int)

  • num-inputs: Int - Number of total inputs
  • in - Array of Inputs starting with index 1 and length of num-inputs

  • out - Output for the gate.

This is the base bundle implementation for a logic gate and is intended to drive the interface for the gate bundle definitions.

This definition does not restrict the function of the gate. It could be AND/OR/etc depending on what component is providing this gate interface.

For most applications, this definition is sufficient. There are few IC packages that combine AND gates and OR gates together in a single package. For that case, you would likely want to use the more specific bundle. This will require the dummy pin feature to properly differentiate between gate, and-gate, or-gate, etc.


Make supports statements for a Logic Gate.

public defn make-gate-supports (out-pin:JITXObject, in-pins:JITXObject ...)

  • out-pin: JITXObject - Output pin to bind to the gate supports statement.
  • in-pins: JITXObject - A set of input pins to bind to the gate supports statement.

This function is a generator. It should be called from within either a pcb-module or pcb-component context.

This function will create a supports statement for an N-input gate where N is the length of the in-pins tuple. This will allow the inputs to the gate to be connected in any order depending on the best layout for the resuting circuit.

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