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Package name: jsl/symbols/net-symbols/ground-symbol



Ground Symbol Generator


Function Description
GroundSymbol Constructor for a Ground Net Symbol

General Definitions

Function Description
get-default-gnd-symbol-builder Retrieve the default styling parameters for the ground symbol
set-default-gnd-symbol-builder Set the default styling parameters for the ground symbol
Variable Description



Ground Symbol Generator

public defstruct GroundSymbol <: NetSymbol
    builder: Maybe<SymbolBuilder>
    label-size: Double

  • builder: Maybe<SymbolBuilder> - Set the explicit SymbolBuilder for rendered net symbol This argument is optional and defaults to None(). If None() - then the default symbol builder is queried from get-default-gnd-symbol-builder. If an explicit builder is provided, then this builder is used to generate the symbol.

  • label-size: Double - Set the Label Size in Schematic Symbol Units The symbol framework handles scaling this text into the right physical dimensions.

This type is used to define and construct net symbols for the ground signals.

These net symbols are orientated such that their preferred orientation is 0 degrees. Most, if not all of the symbol lines will be drawn in the -Y half of the plane.

The text label for the net of the net symbol is drawn with N anchor (ie, anchor centered and at the top of the text).

Alternate ground symbols may be defined by constructing a type that implements the SymbolBuilder interface. This interface allows the user to define symbol construction using a SymbolNode scene graph and define the net label position.



Constructor for a Ground Net Symbol

public defn GroundSymbol ( -- name:String = ?, label-size:Double = ?, builder:SymbolBuilder = ?, backend-subs:Seqable<KeyValue<String, SchematicSymbol>> = ?) -> GroundSymbol

  • Returns GroundSymbol

General Definitions


Retrieve the default styling parameters for the ground symbol

public defn get-default-gnd-symbol-builder () -> SymbolBuilder

  • Returns SymbolBuilder

This is where the user can get the default net symbol styling for the GroundSymbol() type. By default it is a jsl/symbols/net-symbols/bar-ground/BarGroundSymbol.


Set the default styling parameters for the ground symbol

public defn set-default-gnd-symbol-builder (v:SymbolBuilder) -> False

  • v: SymbolBuilder - New SymbolBuilder that will implement the net symbol styling.
  • Returns False

This is where the user can set a new default styling for the GroundSymbol() type.


public val GND-SYMB-GEN


public val GND-SYMB

Related Packages

Forwarded by package: jsl/symbols/net-symbols