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Package name: jsl/bundles/comms


Data Types


SPI Bundle Pin Names


Function Description
wide-spi Wide-SPI Bundle
octal-spi Octal SPI Bundle Generator
dual-spi Dual SPI Bundle Generator
spi SPI Bundle Generator
quad-spi Quad SPI Bundle Generator


SMBus Bundle


Function Description
smbus Configurable SMBus Bundle



Function Description
uart UART Bundle Generator

General Definitions

Function Description
std-spi Standard SPI Generator
can-phy CAN Physical Layer Bundle
spi-with-cs Standard SPI with Chip Select Generator
i2c I2C Bundle
i2s Inter-Integrated Sound - I2S Protocol
minimal-uart Minimal UART Bundle Generator
std-smbus Standard SMBUS Generator
uart-fc Uart with RTS/CTS Flow Control
can-logical CAN Logical Interface Bundle
octal-spi-with-cs-dqs Octal SPI Bundle with Chip Select and Data Strobe



SPI Bundle Pin Names

public defenum SPIPins <: Equalable & Hashable & JITXValue

A list of possible names for the SPI interface. Note that in order to connect SPI interfaces automatically, the constituent pins need to be present on all objects to be connected.



Wide-SPI Bundle

public defn wide-spi (width:Int, pins:Collection<SPIPins>)

  • width: Int - Number of datalines to include in this bundle. Common values are 2, 4, and 8
  • pins: Collection<SPIPins> - Optionally allow for Chip Select pin on this interface. Note CIPO and COPI are not supported.
  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • data - Variable Width Data Bus depending on width parameter

This bundle is used to define bundles for multi-data-line SPI busses. These are often seen for high bandwidth comms interfaces or on flash chips.


Octal SPI Bundle Generator

public defn octal-spi (pins:SPIPins ...)

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • data - Data Bus of width=8


Dual SPI Bundle Generator

public defn dual-spi (pins:SPIPins ...)

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • data - Data Bus of width=2


SPI Bundle Generator

public defn spi (pins:SPIPins ...)

  • pins: SPIPins - User needs to specify which pins will be included in the SPI interface. Some devices don't have a MISO pin for example.
  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • cipo - Controller In Peripheral Out

  • copi - Controller Out Peripheral In

Serial Peripheral Interface is a serial communication protocol.



Quad SPI Bundle Generator

public defn quad-spi (pins:SPIPins ...)

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • data - Data Bus of width=4


SMBus Bundle

public defenum SMBUSPins <: Equalable & Hashable & JITXValue

System Management Bus (SMBus) is a two wire serial communication protocol





Configurable SMBus Bundle

public defn smbus (pins:SMBUSPins ...)

  • pins: SMBUSPins - Optional pins that can be included in the bundle.
  • smbclk - Synchronous Clock Line

  • smbdat - Synchronous Data Line

  • smbalert# - Optional Alert Interrupt - Active Low

  • smbsus# - Optional Suspend Line - Active Low

  val b = smbus(SMBALERT#)
  supports b:
    b.smbclk => self.CLK
    b.smbdat => self.DAT
    b.smbalert# => self.ALERT_n
  • Adding the SMBALERT# value to the function definition

    generates a pcb-bundle including the base pins smbclk and smbdat as well as the optional smbalert# pin.


public defenum UARTPins <: Equalable & Hashable & JITXValue



UART Bundle Generator

public defn uart (pins:UARTPins ...)

  • tx - Transmit Data Line

  • rx - Receive Data Line

  • cts - Clear to Send Line

  • rts - Ready to Send Line

  • dtr - Data Terminal Ready Line

  • dsr - Data Set Ready Line

  • dcd - Data Carrier Detect Line

  • ri - Ring Indicator Line

  • ck - Clock Line

  • de - Driver Enable Line

Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Constructs a bundle with the passed pin configuration


General Definitions


Standard SPI Generator

public defn std-spi ()

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cipo - Controller In Peripheral Out

  • copi - Controller Out Peripheral In

This generator will construct an SPI bundle with the following pins:


CAN Physical Layer Bundle

public pcb-bundle can-phy

  • H - High side of the differential pair for the transmission line

  • L - Low side of the differential pair for the transmission line

This bundle defines the physical layer for the CAN interface which consists of a differential pair H / L


Standard SPI with Chip Select Generator

public defn spi-with-cs ()

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • cipo - Controller In Peripheral Out

  • copi - Controller Out Peripheral In

This generator will construct an SPI bundle with the following pins:


I2C Bundle

public pcb-bundle i2c

  • sda - Synchronous Data Line

  • scl - Synchronous Clock Line

Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) is a serial communication protocol




Inter-Integrated Sound - I2S Protocol

public pcb-bundle i2s

  • sck - Serial Interface Clock

  • ws - Word Select - typically for left vs right differentiation

  • sd - Data Signal

The I2S protocol is a synchronous serial communication protocol similar to SPI

Originally Specification was from Phillips. Current specification is present in NXP's references




Minimal UART Bundle Generator

public defn minimal-uart ()

  • tx - Transmit Data Line

  • rx - Receive Data Line

This generator constructs a UART bundle consisting of:


Standard SMBUS Generator

public defn std-smbus ()

  • smbclk - Synchronous Clock Line

  • smbdat - Synchronous Data Line

This generator will construct an SMBUS bundle with the following pins:


Uart with RTS/CTS Flow Control

public defn uart-fc ()

  • tx - Transmit Data Line

  • rx - Receive Data Line

  • rts - Ready to Send

  • cts - Clear to Send


CAN Logical Interface Bundle

public pcb-bundle can-logical

  • rx - Receive line

  • tx - Transmit line

This interface from a microcontroller to the PHY is typically a two wire interface consisting of a TX and RX line.

TODO - Add optional error line ?


Octal SPI Bundle with Chip Select and Data Strobe

public pcb-bundle octal-spi-with-cs-dqs

  • sck - Synchronous Clock Line

  • cs - Chip Select

  • dqs - Data Strobe

  • data - Data Bus of width=8

Related Packages

Forwarded by package: jsl/bundles