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Package name: jsl/landpatterns/SON

Small Outline No-Lead Packages

The SON package is a dual-row SMT package similar to the QFN. There is no external leads resulting in a compact land pattern.

This package is also referred to as a DFN package.

TODO - Diagram here of SON style packages.


Data Types


SON Package Type


Function Description
SON Constructor for SON Packages


Small Outline No Lead (SON) Lead Type


Function Description
SON-Lead Constructor for SON-Lead



SON Package Type

public deftype SON <: Dual-Package

This type defines the features of the dual-row small outline no-lead type of package.



Constructor for SON Packages

public defn SON ( -- num-leads:Int, lead-profile:Lead-Profile, thermal-lead?:False|Shape|ThermalPad = ?, package-body:PackageBody, pad-planner:PadPlanner = ?, num-scheme:Numbering = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?) -> SON

  • num-leads: Int - Total number of leads in the package (not including thermal leads)
  • lead-profile: Lead-Profile - Lead span profile for describing the pads on the E/W edges.
  • thermal-lead?: False|Shape|ThermalPad - Optional thermal lead. This shape will be placed at (0.0, 0.0) in the land pattern's reference frame.
  • package-body: PackageBody - 3D component body descriptor.
  • pad-planner: PadPlanner - Pad shape planner - default is RectanglePadPlanner
  • num-scheme: Numbering - Numbering scheme for pads - default is Column-Major-Numbering
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level of Generated Package
  • Returns SON


Small Outline No Lead (SON) Lead Type

public defstruct SON-Lead <: SMT-Lead

This type defines the parameters of each of the individual leads of the IC package. It is typically used with Lead-Profile



Constructor for SON-Lead

public defn SON-Lead ( -- lead-type:LeadProtrusion = ?, length:Toleranced, width:Toleranced) -> SON-Lead

  • lead-type: LeadProtrusion - The default lead protrusion type is SmallOutlineNoLeads
  • length: Toleranced - Length of the lead in mm - see SMT-Lead for more info
  • width: Toleranced - Width of the lead in mm - see SMT-Lead for more info
  • Returns SON-Lead

Related Packages

Forwarded by packages: jsl/landpatterns/generators, jsl/landpatterns