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Package name: jsl/landpatterns/dual-row


Data Types


Dual-Row Grid Planner


Function Description
DualGridPlanner Constructor for the DualGridPlanner


Base Dual Row Package Definition

General Definitions

Variable Description



Dual-Row Grid Planner

public defstruct DualGridPlanner <: GridPlanner
    lead-params: Lead-Profile-Params

  • lead-params: Lead-Profile-Params - Lead Profile Parameters This object defines aspects of the lead profile such as the row center-to-center span and the pitch between pads in a column.

    In this implementation, the pitch is assumed constant in both columns.

This grid planner supports Dual Row components like SOIC, SON, SOT, etc.

The idea is that this constructs a 2-Column grid where: 1. Column 0 is in -X half plane and orders ascending for +Y to -Y 2. Column 1 is in the +X half-plane and is rotated 180 degrees such that the locations are ordered ascending from -Y to +Y.

This creates the typical numbering scheme for ICs:

Left-Row    Col 0   Col 1   Right-Row
   0          1       8         3
   1          2       7         2
   2          3       6         1
   3          4       5         0

Notice that the row indices are flipped on the left and right side.



Constructor for the DualGridPlanner

public defn DualGridPlanner ( -- lead-params:Lead-Profile-Params, rows:Int) -> DualGridPlanner

  • lead-params: Lead-Profile-Params - Sets the lead span information including pitch and pad center to center distance
  • rows: Int - Number of rows in the grid.
  • Returns DualGridPlanner

This grid planner has a fixed 2 column grid.


Base Dual Row Package Definition

public defstruct Dual-Package <: Package
    lead-profile: Lead-Profile
    thermal-lead?: False|Shape|ThermalPad

  • lead-profile: Lead-Profile - Lead Profile Defines the Configuration of leads on each edge

  • thermal-lead?: False|Shape|ThermalPad - Optional thermal lead for the package.

This is a base type that is intended to help construct dual-row package ICs, such as SOIC, SOP, SON, etc.

The user is expected to create a type that derives from Dual-Package and then provide the remaining methods to construct the landpattern, like build-silkscreen.

General Definitions


public val DUAL-ROW-COLS

Related Packages

Forwarded by packages: jsl/landpatterns/framework, jsl/landpatterns