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Package name: jsl/circuits/Network

Lump Circuit Networks

The concept of this code is to provide a means for defining a lumped circuit network tree. The idea is to provide a "DSL" for defining components that are used together to form a circuit network.

In this graph there are Elements and Nodes.

  • Elements are the edges of the graph - the resistors, capacitors, etc.
  • Nodes are the pins, ground, nets, etc of the circuit

We can think of the circuit network as a graph. We have the following operations to this graph for 2-pin elements

  1. Series (+) - string multiple elements in series
  2. Parallel (|) - put multiple elements in parallel
  3. Tap - For a particular node in the circuit graph, connect this node to an external port on the resultant network instantiable (pcb-module). The components are still connected on both sides in the network.
  4. ShuntTo - Connect a given node to a port through an element. This allows connecting a component that escapes the network. For example, this might be used connect a particular component or sub-network to ground.
  5. Invert (~) - Instead of connecting 1 -> 2 , connect 2 -> 1. reverses the orientation of the component. Useful for polarizing caps, diodes, etc.


Data Types


Shunt to a Port on the Network


Function Description
ShuntTo (+ 1)


Tap on a port of an Circuit Element in the Network


Function Description
Tap (+ 1)


Circuit Element for a Circuit Network


Function Description
CircuitElement (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct CircuitElement


Function Description
Elem Short Helper Method for Creating CircuitElement


Invert Node for the Circuit Network


Function Description


Series Node in the Circuit Network


Function Description
connect-series Construct instances and net connectors for a series circuit


Abstract Network Type


Function Description
elements Each ANT instance contains a recursive set of ANT elements


Function Description
to-instantiable Construct an Instantiable given a Union of ANT or Instantiable
elaborate Instantiate and Connect the elements of a Circuit Network
create-circuit Construct an instantiable for the passed Network
elaborate-all Convert the network representation into instantiate components and nets


Function Op. Description
plus (+ 2) +
bit-or (+ 2) |
bit-not (+ 1) ~


Parallel Node in the Circuit Network


Function Description
connect-parallel Instantiate and Connect all parallel elements

General Definitions

Function Description



Shunt to a Port on the Network

public defstruct ShuntTo <: ANT
    name: Symbol

  • name: Symbol - Name for the shunt port on Network Instantiable This name is used to construct a port on the resulting instantiable of the network. It must be a valid stanza symbol - otherwise, it will not be able to construct the instantiable.

This type is similar to Tap except instead of having the a continuous component connection in the network, the shunted component only has one pin connected in the network. The other pin is connected out to an external port on the network circuit.

This type will not work with Series - it is only possible to use this in combination with the Parallel | operator.

Example: This circuit:

A + (B | ShuntTo(C, `named-shunt-port))

Results in:

p[1] -> O--A--O--B--O -> p[2]
              --C--O -> named-shunt-port

Note that p[2] of C is connected to named-shunt-port. To flip the component see Invert



public defn ShuntTo (a:ANT, name:Symbol) -> ShuntTo

  • Returns ShuntTo


public defn ShuntTo (a:Instantiable, name:Symbol) -> ShuntTo

  • Returns ShuntTo


Tap on a port of an Circuit Element in the Network

public defstruct Tap <: ANT
    name: Symbol
    port-id: Int

  • name: Symbol - Symbol Name for the tap port on Network Instantiable This name is used to construct a port on the resulting instantiable of the network. It must be a valid stanza symbol - otherwise, it will not be able to construct the instantiable.

  • port-id: Int - Port Id for a port on the element of the tap. Typically this will be 1 or 2 for two-pin components, The default value is 1

This is a method of accessing an internal node of the circuit element by creating a named port.


Given the following circuit

val circ = create-circuit(a + Tap(b, `divOut`))

It will create a module like this:

p[1] -> O -- a -- O -- b -- O -> p[2]
                  ---> divOut

A and B are connected in series as normal and their intermediate node is extracted to a port.



public defn Tap (name:Symbol, a:ANT -- port-id:Int = ?) -> Tap

  • Returns Tap


public defn Tap (name:Symbol, a:Instantiable -- port-id:Int = ?) -> Tap

  • Returns Tap


Circuit Element for a Circuit Network

public defstruct CircuitElement <: ANT
    elem-type: Instantiable
    is-public?: True|False
    name: Symbol

  • elem-type: Instantiable - Element Instantiable to be created in the network This instantiable type needs to define either of the following ports:

    1. p[1]/p[2] like a standard unpolarized 2-pin
    2. c/a like a standard polarized 2-pin

    When the component/module has more than just these ports - it is often convenient to mark it as public so that it can be accessed inside the module.

  • is-public?: True|False - Mark's this component instance as public This means that after the network is constructed - it will be accessible by the user using dot-notation.

  • name: Symbol - Alternative Instance Name for this Element By default the elements are named elem but this can be c confusing when constructing a complex network. This allows for the names to be more explicitly defined by the user.

This type typically includes an instantiable that will be instantiated in the resultant network definition.



Constructor for defstruct CircuitElement

public defn CircuitElement (elements:IndexedCollection<ANT>, elem-type:Instantiable, name:Symbol = ?, is-public?:True|False = ?)


Constructor for defstruct CircuitElement

public defn CircuitElement ( -- elements:IndexedCollection<ANT> = ?, elem-type:Instantiable, name:Symbol = ?, is-public?:True|False = ?)



Short Helper Method for Creating CircuitElement

public defn Elem (i:Instantiable -- name:Symbol = ?, is-public?:True|False = ?) -> CircuitElement

  • Returns CircuitElement


Invert Node for the Circuit Network

public deftype Invert <: ANT

Invert causes an Element to be connected 2 -> 1 instead of 1 -> 2



public defn Invert (a:ANT) -> Invert

  • Returns Invert


Series Node in the Circuit Network

public deftype Series <: ANT

The series node encodes a sequence of components connected in series. This typically means N1.p[2] -> N2.p[1] then N2.p[2] -> N3.p[1], etc



Construct instances and net connectors for a series circuit

public defn connect-series (a:Series, taps:Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]>) -> [JITXObject, JITXObject]

  • a: Series - Series Network Element
  • taps: Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]> - Accumulator for the external ports of the network.
  • Returns [JITXObject, JITXObject] - The [p1, p2] tuple of the ports of the endpoints of the series network. This is typically p[1] of element 0 and p[2] of element N-1 where N is the number of elements in series.
  • Throws ValueError - If any of the series components have been marked ShuntTo. The ShuntTo mechanism is not handled in series connections.


public defn Series (elems:Seqable<ANT> = ?) -> Series

  • Returns Series


Abstract Network Type

public deftype ANT

The circuit tree is composed of ANT instances that form a sequence of operations for the tree.



Each ANT instance contains a recursive set of ANT elements

public defmulti elements (a:ANT) -> IndexedCollection<ANT>

  • Returns IndexedCollection<ANT>

The elements of each ANT instance are interpreted by that node. Some may be empty, others may have a single instance, and others may have 1 or more instances.



public defn ShuntTo (a:ANT, name:Symbol) -> ShuntTo

  • Returns ShuntTo


public defn Tap (name:Symbol, a:ANT -- port-id:Int = ?) -> Tap

  • Returns Tap


Construct an Instantiable given a Union of ANT or Instantiable

public defn to-instantiable (x:ANT|Instantiable -- name?:Maybe<String> = ?) -> Instantiable

  • x: ANT|Instantiable - Sub-Circuit to form into an Instantiable
  • name?: Maybe<String> - Optional name to apply to the create ANT sub-circuit. If x is an Instantiable - this argument is ignored.
  • Returns Instantiable


public defn Invert (a:ANT) -> Invert

  • Returns Invert


public defn Series (elems:Seqable<ANT> = ?) -> Series

  • Returns Series


Instantiate and Connect the elements of a Circuit Network

public defn elaborate (a:ANT, taps:Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]>) -> [JITXObject, JITXObject]

  • a: ANT - Circuit network to elaborate
  • taps: Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]> - Accumulator for the external ports of the network.
  • Returns [JITXObject, JITXObject] - Tuple of [p1, p2] that are the ports of the endpoints of the network.

This function is recursive.


public defn Parallel (elems:Seqable<ANT> = ?) -> Parallel

  • Returns Parallel


Construct an instantiable for the passed Network

public defn create-circuit (a:ANT -- name?:Maybe<String> = ?) -> Instantiable

  • a: ANT - Network definition that will be converted into a pcb-module.
  • Returns Instantiable
  • p - PortArray of 2 pins, p[1] and p[2]. These are the two end points of the network.

This function will create a pcb-module based on the passed network description. This network will have at least port p with two elements. It may optionally have one or more unique SinglePin ports that are created dynamically by the Tap and ShuntTo types.


Convert the network representation into instantiate components and nets

public defn elaborate-all (a:ANT, taps:Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]>) -> Seq<[JITXObject, JITXObject]>

  • a: ANT - Network to elaborate
  • taps: Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]> - Accumulator for the external ports of the network.
  • Returns Seq<[JITXObject, JITXObject]> - Sequence of [p1, p2] for each element at the top level of the network. For Parallel - this sequence may be 2 or more tuples For others - this is typically only 1 tuple

This function is potentially recursive.


plus +

public defn plus (a:ANT, b:ANT) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

plus +

public defn plus (a:ANT, b:Instantiable) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

plus +

public defn plus (a:Instantiable, b:ANT) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

bit-or |

public defn bit-or (a:ANT, b:ANT) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

bit-or |

public defn bit-or (a:ANT, b:Instantiable) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

bit-or |

public defn bit-or (a:Instantiable, b:ANT) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

bit-not ~

public defn bit-not (a:ANT) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT

bit-not ~

public defn bit-not (a:Instantiable) -> ANT

  • Returns ANT


Parallel Node in the Circuit Network

public deftype Parallel <: ANT

The parallel node encodes a set of components that are all connected in parallel.



Instantiate and Connect all parallel elements

public defn connect-parallel (a:Parallel, taps:Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]>) -> [JITXObject, JITXObject]

  • a: Parallel - Parallel Network Element
  • taps: Vector<[Symbol, JITXObject]> - Accumulator for the external ports of the network.
  • Returns [JITXObject, JITXObject] - Tuple of [p1, p2] which is typically the first parallel elements ports. All of the other element's p1 and p2 are netted to the first parallel element, respectively.

ShuntTo elements are handled differently. Typically, p1 port of the shunted sub-network is connected to the p1 of all the other components in paralle. The p2 port of the shunted sub-network is not connected to the other parallel components, and is instead connected to a external port.


public defn Parallel (elems:Seqable<ANT> = ?) -> Parallel

  • Returns Parallel

General Definitions


public defn set-shunted (x:JITXObject) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn is-shunted? (x:JITXObject) -> True|False

  • Returns True|False

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