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Package name: jsl/landpatterns/silkscreen


Data Types


Base Type for Silkscreen Outline Generators


Function Description
build-outline Build Component Outline Silkscreen Content in VirtualLP


Function Description
build-outline Default Implementation for Build Component Outline



Function Description
OverallOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct OverallOutline



Function Description
SingleLineOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct SingleLineOutline


Create an interstitial silkscreen outline.


Function Description
InterstitialOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct InterstitialOutline



Function Description
InteriorEdgesOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct InteriorEdgesOutline


Function Description



Function Description
EdgesOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct EdgesOutline


Silkscreen Outline Generator that follows the Package Body


Function Description
PackageOutline (+ 1) Constructor for defstruct PackageOutline


Selector for whether the edge lines are


Function Description
create-silkscreen-pkg-extrema-outline Construct and instantiate the package extrema lines in the scene graph
construct-pkg-extrema-lines Construct the shapes for the package extrema lines
get-extended-pkg-outline Determine the dimensions of the package body with Y extension

General Definitions

Function Description
build-outline-pin-1-triangle Create a triangle shaped marker in the outline on the silkscreen
create-silkscreen-outline Construct a silkscreen outline of a component based on the Package Body
create-silkscreen-overall-outline Construct a silkscreen outline based on the Package Body and Soldermask Pad Openings
add-pin-1-dot Construct the Pin-1 Dot Marker at a particular location.
compute-triangle-marker Compute the Triangle Marker Shape for Pin-1 outline
construct-pkg-outline Construct the projected shape of the package body on the board.
compute-corner Compute the Corner Anchor Position.
construct-overall-outline Construct the projected shape of the Package Body and Soldermask Pad Openings
build-smd-pin-1-dot Create a Pin 1 indicator as a round dot next to the pad
create-corner-marker-shape Create a shape for the triangle corner marker
corner-to-rotation Compute the rotation of the shape pattern for a particular anchor
compute-closest-corner Compute the closest corner of the passed Box to the Pin1 position.



Base Type for Silkscreen Outline Generators

public deftype SilkscreenOutline

The user should derive from this type and implement its interface to construct the silkscreen outline for a component.



public defmulti build-shape (s:SilkscreenOutline, vp:VirtualLP -- side:Side = ?) -> Shape

  • Returns Shape


Build Component Outline Silkscreen Content in VirtualLP

public defmulti build-outline (s:SilkscreenOutline, vp:VirtualLP -- side:Side = ?)

  • s: SilkscreenOutline - Silkscreen Outline Object
  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LandPattern Scene Graph. User can introspect the scene graph through this object then construct the appropriate new geometry.

This is the interface for the silkscreen outline generator function that will construct the silkscreen geometry in the VirtualLP scene graph.



Default Implementation for Build Component Outline

defmethod build-outline (s:SilkscreenOutline, vp:VirtualLP -- side:Side = ?)

This method uses the build-shape method to contruct the silkscreen content and then applies it to the VirtaulLP scene graph.


public defstruct OverallOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.



Constructor for defstruct OverallOutline

public defn OverallOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct OverallOutline

public defn OverallOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


public defstruct SingleLineOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    edge: SilkscreenEdge
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • edge: SilkscreenEdge

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.



Constructor for defstruct SingleLineOutline

public defn SingleLineOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct SingleLineOutline

public defn SingleLineOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Create an interstitial silkscreen outline.

public defstruct InterstitialOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.

The interstitial outline is formed between the pads, typically underneath the component package body. It may or may not be seen after the component has been installed.

This is most useful for packages like QFP, SOIC, SSOP, and similar packages. It also works for 2-pin SMT and through-hole components.



Constructor for defstruct InterstitialOutline

public defn InterstitialOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct InterstitialOutline

public defn InterstitialOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


public defstruct InteriorEdgesOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    edge: SilkscreenEdge
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • edge: SilkscreenEdge

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.



Constructor for defstruct InteriorEdgesOutline

public defn InteriorEdgesOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct InteriorEdgesOutline

public defn InteriorEdgesOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)



public defn has-enough-interior-space? (s:InteriorEdgesOutline, vp:VirtualLP -- side:Side = ?) -> True|False

  • Returns True|False


public defstruct EdgesOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    edge: SilkscreenEdge
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • edge: SilkscreenEdge

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.



Constructor for defstruct EdgesOutline

public defn EdgesOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct EdgesOutline

public defn EdgesOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Silkscreen Outline Generator that follows the Package Body

public defstruct PackageOutline <: SilkscreenOutline
    density-level: DensityLevel
    line-width: Double
    mask-clearance: Double
    pkg-body: PackageBody

  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level Specification This determines whether we use:

    • Maximum Material Condition
    • Nominal Material Condition
    • Least Material Condition

    of the package body to construct the outline.

  • line-width: Double - Line Width for the constructed silkscreen outline By default we use the MinSilkscreenWidth from the design rules.

  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance from silkscreen to the soldermask By default we use the MinSilkSolderMaskSpace from the design rules.

  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body Dimensions These dimensions will be projected on to the board to construct the outline.



Constructor for defstruct PackageOutline

public defn PackageOutline (pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Constructor for defstruct PackageOutline

public defn PackageOutline ( -- pkg-body:PackageBody, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?)


Selector for whether the edge lines are

public defenum SilkscreenEdge <: Equalable & Hashable

drawn on the Top / Bottom sides (N/S) or the Left/Right sides (E/W)



Construct and instantiate the package extrema lines in the scene graph

public defn create-silkscreen-pkg-extrema-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?, density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?) -> Shape

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Land Pattern Scene Graph node
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package dimensional body for sizing the lines.
  • edge: SilkscreenEdge - N/S or E/W side of the component to creates lines for.
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Package density level. Default is DENSITY-LEVEL from design settings.
  • line-width: Double - Line width in mm. Default is silkscreen width from the design's pcb-rules.
  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance distance between soldermask and silkscreen Default is the clearance rule from the design's pcb-rules.
  • side: Side - Top or Bottom side of the board where silkscreen will be drawn. We use this to determine which pads to include in the outline calculation.
  • Returns Shape

Legacy - To be replaced by EdgesOutline


Construct the shapes for the package extrema lines

public defn construct-pkg-extrema-lines (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?, edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?) -> Shape

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Land Pattern Scene Graph node
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package dimensional body for sizing the lines.
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Package density level. Default is DENSITY-LEVEL from design settings.
  • line-width: Double - Line width in mm. Default is silkscreen width from the design's pcb-rules.
  • mask-clearance: Double - Clearance distance between soldermask and silkscreen Default is the clearance rule from the design's pcb-rules.
  • side: Side - Top or Bottom side of the board where silkscreen will be drawn. We use this to determine which pads to include in the outline calculation.
  • edge: SilkscreenEdge - N/S or E/W side of the component to creates lines for.
  • Returns Shape


Determine the dimensions of the package body with Y extension

public defn get-extended-pkg-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody, density-level:DensityLevel, line-width:Double, mask-clearance:Double, side:Side, edge:SilkscreenEdge = ?) -> Box

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Land Pattern Scene Graph
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - Package Body for the IC
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Density Level for the Package
  • line-width: Double - Silkscreen min line width as defined by pcb-rules.
  • mask-clearance: Double - Minimum soldermask clearance to silkscreen as defined by the pcb-rules.
  • side: Side - Which side of the board this outline will be created on. It filters for which pads of the landpattern to inspect.
  • Returns Box

This function is used to create the minimal package body outline that we will use to create the horizontal lines at the extremes on the package body.

This function attempts to make a conservative size box by accounting for both the package body length and the location of the soldermask opening of the pads.

This function is typically only useful for dual-row packages like SOP, SON, SOT, etc.

General Definitions


Create a triangle shaped marker in the outline on the silkscreen

public defn build-outline-pin-1-triangle (vp:VirtualLP -- pin-1-id:Int|Ref = ?)

  • vp: VirtualLP - Land Pattern scene graph node we will search for the outline
  • pin-1-id: Int|Ref - This argument accepts either an Int or a Ref for identifying the "Pin 1" of the component. If this is an Int it will map to the conventional p[N] ref syntax used for land patterns. The default value is 1.
  • Throws ValueError - If we find more than one outline in the silkscreen, or if we fail to find the pin-1-id pad.

This function looks for the outline shape in the virtual artwork of this VirtualLP node and then attempts to find the corner of that outline closest to the pin-1-id pad of the land pattern.

It then construct a triangle shaped marker and places it in that corner for a heavy indication of the pin 1 location. This corner marker will be placed in the silkscreen layer on the same side of the board as the outline is found.


Construct a silkscreen outline of a component based on the Package Body

public defn create-silkscreen-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?) -> False

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LP scene graph node - outline will be created here.
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - 3D body model for the component
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Indicates whether we will use MMC, NMC, or LMC
  • line-width: Double - width of the line to draw.
  • mask-clearance: Double - clearance between soldermask openings and the outline.
  • side: Side - Side of the board. Default is Top.
  • Returns False

To be replaced by the PackageOutline type


Construct a silkscreen outline based on the Package Body and Soldermask Pad Openings

public defn create-silkscreen-overall-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?) -> False

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LP scene graph node - outline will be created here.
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - 3D body model for the component
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Indicates whether we will use MMC, NMC, or LMC
  • line-width: Double - width of the line to draw.
  • mask-clearance: Double - clearance between soldermask openings and the outline.
  • Returns False

Legacy - To be replaced with OverallOutline

The user must create all of the pads associated with this landpattern before invoking this function.


public defn default-mask-clearance () -> Double

  • Returns Double


Construct the Pin-1 Dot Marker at a particular location.

public defn add-pin-1-dot (vp:VirtualLP, pos:Point -- line-width:Double = ?, side:Side = ?)

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Landpattern scene graph node.
  • pos: Point - Location in the current scene graph node where this dot will be drawn.
  • line-width: Double - silkscreen line width defines the radius of the circle.
  • side: Side - Top or Bottom side silkscreen.

This function draws a Circle shaped dot at the provided location. This function is used to provide a visual pin 1 indicator in the silkscreen.


Compute the Triangle Marker Shape for Pin-1 outline

public defn compute-triangle-marker (pin-1-pos:Point, outline-box:Box, line-width:Double, max-height:Double = ?) -> Shape

  • pin-1-pos: Point - Position of the pin 1 pad
  • outline-box: Box - Silkscreen outline as a 2D box.
  • line-width: Double - Silkscreen line width - primarily used for positioning and not for drawing lines.
  • max-height: Double - Max triangle marker height. This function attempts to compute a reasonable marker size based on the component's scale. This is a limiter to prevent unnecessarily large triangle marker features.
  • Returns Shape


Construct the projected shape of the package body on the board.

public defn construct-pkg-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?) -> Shape

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LP scene graph node - outline will be created here.
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - 3D body model for the component
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Indicates whether we will use MMC, NMC, or LMC
  • line-width: Double - width of the line to draw.
  • mask-clearance: Double - clearance between soldermask openings and the outline.
  • Returns Shape

Legacy - Use PackageOutline


Compute the Corner Anchor Position.

public defn compute-corner (closest:Point) -> Anchor

  • closest: Point - Closest point on the outline
  • Returns Anchor

Given a point on the outline box that is closest to pin 1 - compute the anchor position. For example, if pin 1 is in the top left and the closest corner is in the top-left, this would be the NW anchor position.


Construct the projected shape of the Package Body and Soldermask Pad Openings

public defn construct-overall-outline (vp:VirtualLP, pkg-body:PackageBody -- density-level:DensityLevel = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?) -> Shape

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LP scene graph node - outline will be created here.
  • pkg-body: PackageBody - 3D body model for the component
  • density-level: DensityLevel - Indicates whether we will use MMC, NMC, or LMC
  • line-width: Double - width of the line to draw.
  • mask-clearance: Double - clearance between soldermask openings and the outline.
  • Returns Shape - LineRectangle Shape for the union of the package body and the pad openings.

Legacy - Use OverallOutline

The user must create all of the pads associated with this landpattern before invoking this function.

This function takes the union of the pads and the package body outline and constructs and overall outline encompassing this shape.


Create a Pin 1 indicator as a round dot next to the pad

public defn build-smd-pin-1-dot (vp:VirtualLP -- pin-1-id:Int|Ref = ?, dir:Dir = ?, margin:Double = ?, line-width:Double = ?, mask-clearance:Double = ?, side:Side = ?)

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Landpattern that will store artwork and be inspected for pads that match pin-1-id. Note that the pads must already have been added to the land pattern for this function to work.
  • pin-1-id: Int|Ref - Indicates which pad by Int or Ref will be used as the "Pin 1" of the land pattern.
  • dir: Dir - Direction where to place the dot with respect to the pin 1 pad. Default value is Up (+Y)
  • line-width: Double - Used for the radius of the created Circle. By default this is the minimum silk width from the design rules.
  • mask-clearance: Double - Mask clearance rule used to place the dot sufficiently far away the Pin 1 Pad. Default is the minimum silk to soldermask clearance pulled from the design rules.
  • side: Side - Indicates whether the marker will be drawn on the top or bottom side of the board. Default is Top.

By default This creates a small circle in the silkscreen directly above (+Y) the "pin 1" pad of a land pattern. You can use the dir option to place the marker in a different cardinal direction.

This function assumes that the space directly above the pin 1 pad is available to place this circle.


Create a shape for the triangle corner marker

public defn create-corner-marker-shape (line-width:Double, marker-height:Double) -> Shape

  • Returns Shape

This is often used in a rectangular outlines for marking the the pin-1 indication in one of the corners of the outline.

This function creates a shape that is a solid, isosceles right triangle (polygon) in the lower right quadrant of the XY plane. It is then offset from the X and Y axis (toward the lower right quandrant) by half the line-width


Compute the rotation of the shape pattern for a particular anchor

public defn corner-to-rotation (corner:Anchor) -> Double

  • Returns Double

We typically position the triangle marker or pin 1 dot marker by transforming its base configuration. This means translating and rotating it to fit in one of the outline corners.

This method takes the corner anchor position and converts it to rotation angle for a shape pattern.


public defn default-silk-width () -> Double

  • Returns Double


Compute the closest corner of the passed Box to the Pin1 position.

public defn compute-closest-corner (pin-1-pos:Point, outline-box:Box)

  • pin-1-pos: Point - Position of the Pin 1 pad.
  • outline-box: Box - Box that represents the silkscreen outline of the component.

This tool is used to determine what to place pin 1 markers in a component's silkscreen.

Related Packages

Forwarded by packages: jsl/landpatterns/framework, jsl/landpatterns