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Package name: jsl/landpatterns/VirtualLP


Data Types


Helper Struct for Constructing Virtual Landpattern definitions


Function Description
make-landpattern Generator to create a pad statement for this VirtualPad instance


Function Description
append-all Add a multiple pads to the virtual landpattern
get-pad-by-ref Find a virtual pad with the given reference
get-pad-by-ref! Forcefully find a virtual pad with the given reference
get-pads-by-column Retrieve the pads in the specified column
get-pads Attempts to mimic the pads function from jitx/commands
get-layers Function to mimic layers from jitx/commands on VirtualPad
append Add a pad to the virtual landpattern
get-layer Function to mimic layer from jitx/commands on VirtualPad
get-pads-by-row Retrieve the pads in the specified row
get-first-pad Find the earliest virtual pad in the given landpattern by comparing pad references


Base Type for the Elements of the Virtual Landpattern Tree


Function Description
make-landpattern Landpattern Content Generator Function


Function Description
find-by-class Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given class
elements Local Elements for this Virtual Landpattern
find-by-name Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given name



Function Description
get-silkscreen-outline! Retrieve the silkscreen outline shape as a VirtualArtwork object.
append Add a VirtualArtwork instance to the landpattern
get-silkscreen-outline Retrieve the Silkscreen outline if present
append-all Add multipple VirtualArtwork instances to the landpattern.



Function Description
append Add a virtual copper statement to virtual landpattern
append-all Add multiple virtual copper statements to virtual landpattern


Virtual LandPattern Node


Function Description
make-landpattern Recursively generate the pads and layer artwork for this virtual landpattern


Function Description
add-reference-designator Create a reference designator in the current virtual landpattern
add-copper (+ 1) Add a copper geometry to the landpattern on a particular layer index.
add-artwork (+ 1)
create-child Create a new Virtual Landpattern that is a child of this node
get-silkscreen-outline Retrieve the Silkscreen outline if present
find-by-class Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given class
get-pads-by-column Retrieve the pads in the specified column
get-pads Attempts to mimic the pads function from jitx/commands
get-layers Attempts to mimic the layers function from jitx/commands
append (+ 3) Add a VirtualArtwork instance to the landpattern
get-layer Attempts to mimic the layer function from jitx/commands
get-pads-by-row Retrieve the pads in the specified row
add-silkscreen-outline Construct artwork for the package outline in the silkscreen layer.
identify-pad-columns Identify the unique columns of pads in this land pattern
get-child Retrieve a child node by name from the parent virtual land pattern
find-by-name Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given name
append-all (+ 2) Add multipple VirtualArtwork instances to the landpattern.
get-layer-all Get all shapes on the specified layer - including pad defined shapes
get-pad-by-ref Find a virtual pad with the given reference
VirtualLP Construct a VirtualLP Root Node
add-thermal-pad Add a Thermal Pad to the Virtual LandPattern Scene Graph
get-pad-by-ref! Forcefully find a virtual pad with the given reference
identify-pad-rows Identify the unique rows of pads in this land pattern
get-silkscreen-outline! Retrieve the silkscreen outline shape as a VirtualArtwork object.
elements Local Elements for this Virtual Landpattern
pad-interior-bounds Construct the interior bounds for the pads of a component
add-cutout (+ 1) Add cutouts to the landpattern based on specified shapes.
is-root? Check if this is the root node in a Virtual Landpattern Tree
add-keepout (+ 1) Add keepout regions to the landpattern based on specified shapes.
get-first-pad Find the earliest virtual pad in the given landpattern by comparing pad references

General Definitions

Function Description
compare-pad-id Compare two pad references
build-vpad-classes Construct a set of class strings for VirtualPad creation.



Helper Struct for Constructing Virtual Landpattern definitions

public defstruct VirtualPad <: VirtualElement
    loc: Pose
    pad-def: Pad
    pad-id: Int|Ref
    side: Side

  • loc: Pose

  • pad-def: Pad

  • pad-id: Int|Ref

  • side: Side



Generator to create a pad statement for this VirtualPad instance

defmethod make-landpattern (p:VirtualPad, offset:Pose = ?)

  • p: VirtualPad - Self
  • offset: Pose - Extra offset to apply to the pad definition. This is often used for translating an entire landpattern.



public defn print-pads (o:OutputStream, pds:Seqable<VirtualPad>)


public defn as-VirtualPad (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


public defn VirtualPad (pad-id:Int|Ref, pad-def:Pad, loc:Pose -- name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?, side:Side = ?) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


Add a multiple pads to the virtual landpattern

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, ps:Seqable<VirtualPad>) -> False

  • Returns False


Find a virtual pad with the given reference

public defn get-pad-by-ref (vp:VirtualLP, r:Ref|Int) -> Maybe<VirtualPad>

  • Returns Maybe<VirtualPad>


public defn pose (p:VirtualPad) -> Pose

  • Returns Pose


Forcefully find a virtual pad with the given reference

public defn get-pad-by-ref! (vp:VirtualLP, r:Ref|Int) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


public defn pad (p:VirtualPad) -> Pad

  • Returns Pad


public defn ref (p:VirtualPad) -> Ref

  • Returns Ref


Retrieve the pads in the specified column

public defn get-pads-by-column (vp:VirtualLP, column:Int) -> Seq<VirtualPad>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • column: Int - Identifies the column of pads to retrieve. Must be >= 0.
  • Returns Seq<VirtualPad> - Sequence of VirtualPad objects. If no column with index column is present, then an empty sequence will be provided.


Attempts to mimic the pads function from jitx/commands

public defn get-pads (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<VirtualPad>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualPad> - A Tuple of VirtualPad, 1 for each of the virtual pads in vp. For any children - the loc:Pose of the VirtualPad will be updated so that returned VirtualPad is correctly situated in the parent frame of reference. That means that the VirtualPad objects returned by this function are not necessarily the same as the parent definition.

This function is recursive over all of the nodes of the virtual land pattern scene graph.


Function to mimic layers from jitx/commands on VirtualPad

public defn get-layers (p:VirtualPad) -> Tuple<LayerShape>

  • Returns Tuple<LayerShape>


Add a pad to the virtual landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, p:VirtualPad) -> False

  • Returns False


Function to mimic layer from jitx/commands on VirtualPad

public defn get-layer (p:VirtualPad, ls:LayerSpecifier) -> Tuple<Shape>

  • Returns Tuple<Shape>


Retrieve the pads in the specified row

public defn get-pads-by-row (vp:VirtualLP, row:Int) -> Seq<VirtualPad>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • row: Int - Identifies the row of pads to retrieve. Must be >= 0.
  • Returns Seq<VirtualPad> - Sequence of VirtualPad objects. If no row with index row is present, then an empty sequence will be provided.


Find the earliest virtual pad in the given landpattern by comparing pad references

public defn get-first-pad (vp:VirtualLP) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


Base Type for the Elements of the Virtual Landpattern Tree

public deftype VirtualElement <: Classable

This type provides an interface for the elements to provide the name/class labeling that will later be used for filtering.



Landpattern Content Generator Function

public defmulti make-landpattern (v:VirtualElement, pose:Pose = ?)

  • v: VirtualElement - VirtualElement (self)
  • pose: Pose - Optional transform to apply to the elements's content

This function is a generator for creating the content of this element into the pcb-landpattern definition.



public defn as-VirtualPad (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


public defn as-VirtualLP (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualLP

  • Returns VirtualLP


public defn as-VirtualArtwork (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualArtwork

  • Returns VirtualArtwork


Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given class

public defn find-by-class (vp:VirtualLP, cls:String) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>


Local Elements for this Virtual Landpattern

public defn elements (vp:VirtualLP) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>

This does not search recursively into the children, it just reports the elements of this node.


public defn as-VirtualCopper (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualCopper

  • Returns VirtualCopper


Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given name

public defn find-by-name (vp:VirtualLP, name:String) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>


public defstruct VirtualArtwork <: VirtualElement
    layer-spec: LayerSpecifier
    shape: Shape

  • layer-spec: LayerSpecifier

  • shape: Shape



public defn to-layer-shape (art:VirtualArtwork, pose:Pose = ?) -> LayerShape

  • Returns LayerShape


public defn as-VirtualArtwork (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualArtwork

  • Returns VirtualArtwork


Retrieve the silkscreen outline shape as a VirtualArtwork object.

public defn get-silkscreen-outline! (vp:VirtualLP) -> VirtualArtwork

  • Returns VirtualArtwork

This function looks for a VirtualArtwork object with class outline. If it finds a single object meeting this description - it will be returned. Otherwise it throws a ValueError

This function will search recursively through the passed vp node and all child nodes for the outline artwork.


public defn VirtualArtwork (layer-spec:LayerSpecifier, shape:Shape -- name?:Maybe<String> = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> VirtualArtwork

  • Returns VirtualArtwork


Add a VirtualArtwork instance to the landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, va:VirtualArtwork) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn get-artwork (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier) -> Seqable<VirtualArtwork>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualArtwork>


Retrieve the Silkscreen outline if present

public defn get-silkscreen-outline (vp:VirtualLP) -> Maybe<VirtualArtwork>

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Landpattern SceneGraph
  • Returns Maybe<VirtualArtwork> - If no outline present, then this function returns None() If an artwork of class outline is present, we return one.
  • Throws ValueError - if multiple outline elements are found.

This function looks for a VirtualArtwork object with class outline.


Add multipple VirtualArtwork instances to the landpattern.

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, vas:Seqable<VirtualArtwork>) -> False

  • Returns False


public defstruct VirtualCopper <: VirtualElement
    layer-index: LayerIndex
    shape: Shape

  • layer-index: LayerIndex

  • shape: Shape



public defn get-copper (vp:VirtualLP, li:LayerIndex) -> Tuple<VirtualCopper>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualCopper>


public defn get-coppers (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<VirtualCopper>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualCopper>


public defn VirtualCopper (layer-index:LayerIndex, shape:Shape -- name?:Maybe<String> = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> VirtualCopper

  • Returns VirtualCopper


public defn as-VirtualCopper (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualCopper

  • Returns VirtualCopper


Add a virtual copper statement to virtual landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, cu:VirtualCopper) -> False

  • Returns False


Add multiple virtual copper statements to virtual landpattern

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, cus:Seqable<VirtualCopper>) -> False

  • Returns False


Virtual LandPattern Node

public defstruct VirtualLP <: VirtualElement
    artwork: Vector<VirtualArtwork>
    children: Vector<VirtualLP>
    lands: Vector<VirtualPad>
    metal: Vector<VirtualCopper>
    parent: Maybe<VirtualLP>
    pose: Pose

  • artwork: Vector<VirtualArtwork> - Layer Artwork to be placed in this virtual landpattern frame of reference.

  • children: Vector<VirtualLP> - Child nodes of this landpattern

  • lands: Vector<VirtualPad> - Pads to be placed in this virtual landpattern frame of reference

  • metal: Vector<VirtualCopper> - Virtual copper statements as placed in the virtual landpattern frame of reference.

  • parent: Maybe<VirtualLP> - Optional Parent node. If None then this node is the root of the tree.

  • pose: Pose - Kinematic transform of this node of the virtual landpattern tree. This pose will be applied to the reference frame of this node. This means that all geometry in this node will experience this transformation. Additionally, all children node's frames of reference will be transformed by this pose.

This type is used to create a virtual landpattern model. We use this so that we can modify the landpattern elements (pads, artwork, etc) before writing it to the ESIR pcb-landpattern definition. Once written to ESIR, the landpattern cannot be modified.



Recursively generate the pads and layer artwork for this virtual landpattern

defmethod make-landpattern (vp:VirtualLP, parent-pose:Pose = ?)

This function should be called from within a pcb-landpattern definition. It will create pad and layer statements which build up the landpattern



Create a reference designator in the current virtual landpattern

public defn add-reference-designator (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier = ?, text-size:Double = ?, font:String = ?) -> False

  • vp: VirtualLP - Land Pattern Node where content will be drawn.
  • ls: LayerSpecifier - Layer to draw the reference designator. By default this is the top silkscreen.
  • text-size: Double - Size of designator text height in mm. Default is 1.0 mm.
  • font: String - Optional Font to use. See the Text object in JITX runtime.
  • Returns False

If a courtyard exists - This function will place a reference designator outside the courtyard outline of the component, just above the upper-left corner of the bounds of the outline.

If no courtyard exists - then this function places the silkscreen reference designator at the VirtualLP node origin.

In either case, this placement is really just an initial placement. The user will use the placer in the board view to move it to a more reasonable location.


public defn get-coppers (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<VirtualCopper>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualCopper>


Add a copper geometry to the landpattern on a particular layer index.

public defn add-copper (vp:VirtualLP, li:LayerIndex, shape:Shape -- name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


Add multiple copper geometry elements to the landpattern on a particular layer index.

public defn add-copper (vp:VirtualLP, li:LayerIndex, shapes:Seqable<Shape> -- class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn add-artwork (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier, shape:Shape -- name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn add-artwork (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier, shapes:Seqable<Shape> -- class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


Create a new Virtual Landpattern that is a child of this node

public defn create-child (vp:VirtualLP -- offset:Pose = ?, name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> VirtualLP

  • vp: VirtualLP - Self
  • offset: Pose - Default pose for the child node. This pose will be relative to the parent's pose.
  • Returns VirtualLP - VirtualLP with parent set to vp.


Retrieve the Silkscreen outline if present

public defn get-silkscreen-outline (vp:VirtualLP) -> Maybe<VirtualArtwork>

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Landpattern SceneGraph
  • Returns Maybe<VirtualArtwork> - If no outline present, then this function returns None() If an artwork of class outline is present, we return one.
  • Throws ValueError - if multiple outline elements are found.

This function looks for a VirtualArtwork object with class outline.


public defn as-VirtualLP (e:VirtualElement) -> VirtualLP

  • Returns VirtualLP


Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given class

public defn find-by-class (vp:VirtualLP, cls:String) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>


Retrieve the pads in the specified column

public defn get-pads-by-column (vp:VirtualLP, column:Int) -> Seq<VirtualPad>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • column: Int - Identifies the column of pads to retrieve. Must be >= 0.
  • Returns Seq<VirtualPad> - Sequence of VirtualPad objects. If no column with index column is present, then an empty sequence will be provided.


Attempts to mimic the pads function from jitx/commands

public defn get-pads (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<VirtualPad>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualPad> - A Tuple of VirtualPad, 1 for each of the virtual pads in vp. For any children - the loc:Pose of the VirtualPad will be updated so that returned VirtualPad is correctly situated in the parent frame of reference. That means that the VirtualPad objects returned by this function are not necessarily the same as the parent definition.

This function is recursive over all of the nodes of the virtual land pattern scene graph.


Attempts to mimic the layers function from jitx/commands

public defn get-layers (vp:VirtualLP, offset:Pose = ?) -> Tuple<LayerShape>

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual LP scene graph
  • offset: Pose - Offset position to apply to the created LayerShape objects. This will cause all created objects to be in the same root frame of reference for the VirtualLP vp.
  • Returns Tuple<LayerShape> - A Tuple of LayerShape object

This function is recursive over all of the nodes of the virtual landpattern scene graph.


Add a VirtualArtwork instance to the landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, va:VirtualArtwork) -> False

  • Returns False


Add a pad to the virtual landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, p:VirtualPad) -> False

  • Returns False


Add a virtual copper statement to virtual landpattern

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, cu:VirtualCopper) -> False

  • Returns False


Add a new child virtual landpattern node

public defn append (vp:VirtualLP, child:VirtualLP) -> False

  • vp: VirtualLP - Self
  • child: VirtualLP - VirtualLP to include as a child of vp
  • Returns False
  • Throws ValueError - If the passed child is already associated with a parent.


Attempts to mimic the layer function from jitx/commands

public defn get-layer (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier) -> Tuple<Shape>

  • Returns Tuple<Shape>

This returns the shapes present on a specific layer that are defined directly in the landpattern or its children. It does not include the geometry defined in the pads.


Retrieve the pads in the specified row

public defn get-pads-by-row (vp:VirtualLP, row:Int) -> Seq<VirtualPad>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • row: Int - Identifies the row of pads to retrieve. Must be >= 0.
  • Returns Seq<VirtualPad> - Sequence of VirtualPad objects. If no row with index row is present, then an empty sequence will be provided.


public defn get-child! (vp:VirtualLP, name:String) -> VirtualLP

  • Returns VirtualLP


Construct artwork for the package outline in the silkscreen layer.

public defn add-silkscreen-outline (vp:VirtualLP, outline-geom:Shape -- side:Side = ?)

  • vp: VirtualLP - Virtual Landpattern Scene Graph
  • outline-geom: Shape - Shape of the silkscreen content to create.
  • side: Side - Optional Side - Default is Top Side.


Identify the unique columns of pads in this land pattern

public defn identify-pad-columns (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<Int>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • Returns Tuple<Int> - Tuple of row indices. For example, a square quad with 8 x 8 will have 8 rows and 4 columns. This function will return 4.


Retrieve a child node by name from the parent virtual land pattern

public defn get-child (vp:VirtualLP, name:String) -> Maybe<VirtualLP>

  • vp: VirtualLP - The parent scope to search
  • name: String - Child name that we will match on. Unnamed children will be ignored.
  • Returns Maybe<VirtualLP> - One<VirtualLP> if we find a child with name? = name else None()

This function is recursive. It will attempt to match to a child node in the vp scene graph by name.


Find all virtual landpattern elements with the given name

public defn find-by-name (vp:VirtualLP, name:String) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>


Add multipple VirtualArtwork instances to the landpattern.

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, vas:Seqable<VirtualArtwork>) -> False

  • Returns False


Add a multiple pads to the virtual landpattern

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, ps:Seqable<VirtualPad>) -> False

  • Returns False


Add multiple virtual copper statements to virtual landpattern

public defn append-all (vp:VirtualLP, cus:Seqable<VirtualCopper>) -> False

  • Returns False


Get all shapes on the specified layer - including pad defined shapes

public defn get-layer-all (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier) -> Tuple<Shape>

  • Returns Tuple<Shape>

This function is an expansion on get-layer that includes


Find a virtual pad with the given reference

public defn get-pad-by-ref (vp:VirtualLP, r:Ref|Int) -> Maybe<VirtualPad>

  • Returns Maybe<VirtualPad>


Construct a VirtualLP Root Node

public defn VirtualLP (pose:Pose = ? -- name?:Maybe<String> = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> VirtualLP

  • Returns VirtualLP


public defn get-copper (vp:VirtualLP, li:LayerIndex) -> Tuple<VirtualCopper>

  • Returns Tuple<VirtualCopper>


Add a Thermal Pad to the Virtual LandPattern Scene Graph

public defn add-thermal-pad (vp:VirtualLP, pad-id:Int|Ref, thermal-lead?:False|Shape|ThermalPad -- pose:Pose = ?)

  • vp: VirtualLP - Scene Graph
  • pad-id: Int|Ref - Pad Id for this thermal pad - this is used in the pin-properties mapping of the pcb-component to map symbol pin to landpattern pad.
  • thermal-lead?: False|Shape|ThermalPad - Thermal Lead Object Definition. If False - this function does nothing. If Shape - then we construct a ThermalPad with no special handling. Otherwise, we use the ThermalPad to construct a large thermal pad with optional paste subdivision etc. and add it to the passed scenegraph.


Forcefully find a virtual pad with the given reference

public defn get-pad-by-ref! (vp:VirtualLP, r:Ref|Int) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad


Identify the unique rows of pads in this land pattern

public defn identify-pad-rows (vp:VirtualLP) -> Tuple<Int>

  • vp: VirtualLP - VirtualLP SceneGraph
  • Returns Tuple<Int> - Tuple of row indices. For example, a dual with 16 pins (2 x 8) will have 8 rows and 2 columns. This function will return 8.


Retrieve the silkscreen outline shape as a VirtualArtwork object.

public defn get-silkscreen-outline! (vp:VirtualLP) -> VirtualArtwork

  • Returns VirtualArtwork

This function looks for a VirtualArtwork object with class outline. If it finds a single object meeting this description - it will be returned. Otherwise it throws a ValueError

This function will search recursively through the passed vp node and all child nodes for the outline artwork.


Local Elements for this Virtual Landpattern

public defn elements (vp:VirtualLP) -> Seqable<VirtualElement>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualElement>

This does not search recursively into the children, it just reports the elements of this node.


Construct the interior bounds for the pads of a component

public defn pad-interior-bounds (vp:VirtualLP, side:Side) -> Box

  • Returns Box
  • Throws ValueError - if it encounter a number of columns that it can't handle. Specifically, this function can handle [1, 2, 4] columns of pads. This corresponds to 2-pin, dual-row, and quad land patterns, respectively.

This function only makes sense for things like QFPs, SOICs, SSOPs, or 2-pin components.

This function assumes that you have used the function build-vpad-classes when constructing the rows and columns of pads for your footprint.

This function attempts to extract out the pads by row or column and then use the bounding box of the soldermask to determine the interior bounds between the pads.

Note - there is another way to do this that I decided against which was to try and find lines and intersections of those lines. This seemed like it might be a bit more robust but at the cost of being more complex code wise.


Add cutouts to the landpattern based on specified shapes.

public defn add-cutout (vp:VirtualLP, shape:Shape -- name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn add-cutout (vp:VirtualLP, shapes:Seqable<Shape> -- name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


Check if this is the root node in a Virtual Landpattern Tree

public defn is-root? (vp:VirtualLP) -> True|False

  • Returns True|False


public defn get-artwork (vp:VirtualLP, ls:LayerSpecifier) -> Seqable<VirtualArtwork>

  • Returns Seqable<VirtualArtwork>


Add keepout regions to the landpattern based on specified shapes.

public defn add-keepout (vp:VirtualLP, shape:Shape -- start:LayerIndex = ?, end:LayerIndex = ?, name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


public defn add-keepout (vp:VirtualLP, shapes:Seqable<Shape> -- start:LayerIndex = ?, end:LayerIndex = ?, name:String = ?, class:Seqable<String>|String = ?) -> False

  • Returns False


Find the earliest virtual pad in the given landpattern by comparing pad references

public defn get-first-pad (vp:VirtualLP) -> VirtualPad

  • Returns VirtualPad

General Definitions


Compare two pad references

public defn compare-pad-id (r1:Ref|Int, r2:Ref|Int) -> Int

  • Returns Int


Construct a set of class strings for VirtualPad creation.

public defn build-vpad-classes (r:Int, c:Int) -> Tuple<String>

  • Returns Tuple<String>

This will construct the following class strings:

  1. "pad"
  2. "col-N" where N will be the column number
  3. "row-M" where M will be the row number

Related Packages

Forwarded by packages: jsl/landpatterns/framework, jsl/landpatterns