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Package name: jsl/symbols/net-symbols/symbol-builder



Parameterized Symbol Builder


Function Description
value-label Selects the position of the net label with respect to the symbol
build-symbol-glyph Symbol Glyphs Generator Function



Parameterized Symbol Builder

public deftype SymbolBuilder <: Equalable

This type defines the interface for the parameterized ground symbols to be constructed using this framework.



Selects the position of the net label with respect to the symbol

public defmulti value-label (x:SymbolBuilder) -> Pose

  • x: SymbolBuilder - This SymbolBuilder
  • Returns Pose

Typically, this will be net symbol type dependent. For example, the ground symbol builders all put this in the -Y half of the plane centered at X = 0.0. The -Y value will depend on the size of the created net symbol.


Symbol Glyphs Generator Function

public defmulti build-symbol-glyph (x:SymbolBuilder, node:SymbolNode) -> False

  • x: SymbolBuilder - This SymbolBuilder
  • node: SymbolNode - The scene graph object to draw content to.
  • Returns False

This is the function where the user creates the geometry of the rendered net symbol. The node object provides the net symbols scene graph. The user can choose to draw shapes and other content via the SymbolNode interface.

Related Packages

Forwarded by package: jsl/symbols/net-symbols