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Package name: jsl/circuits/Bypass


General Definitions

Function Description
bypass Bypass two ports with an element instance
insert-bypass (+ 1) Insert a bypass capacitor of a particular type.


General Definitions


Bypass two ports with an element instance

public defn bypass (elem:JITXObject, p1:JITXObject, p2:JITXObject)

  • elem: JITXObject - component or module instance with either:
  • Standard Non-Polar Interface - p[1]/p[2]
  • Standard Polarized Interface - a/c

This function is generator and is expected to run in a pcb-module context.

It is common to bypass voltage rails with capacitors. Typically, these capacitors need to be placed close to the rail in question.

The bypass function is a general purpose tool for creating the net and short-trace statements for bypassing.


Insert a bypass capacitor of a particular type.

public defn insert-bypass (pos:JITXObject, neg:JITXObject -- elem-type:Instantiable|Double = ?, inst-name:String|Symbol = ?, qb:CapacitorQuery = ?)

  • pos: JITXObject - Voltage Rail Positive Port - This should generally be a component port because otherwise the short-trace application will fail.
  • neg: JITXObject - Voltage Rail Negative Port - This should generally be a component port, but can also be a ground net or module port.
  • elem-type: Instantiable|Double - Instantiable or capacitance value as a Double. If an Instantiable, it should confirm to standard two pin interface definitions. As a Double, the JITX query API is used to source a capacitor of this many farads. By default, this value is set to 100nF. The global default query parameters can be used to control the other aspects of the query.
  • inst-name: String|Symbol - Optional name for the capacitor instance to be created. If none is given, then the Ref name of the pos signal will be used to create an instance name in the form <NAME>-byp.
  • qb: CapacitorQuery - Optional capacitor query builder. This builder will extend the global defaults with any customization the user desires. The default value is CapacitorQuery() with no additional parameters.

This function expects to be called from within a pcb-module context.


Insert a bypass capacitor across a power bundle port.

public defn insert-bypass (rail:JITXObject -- elem-type:Instantiable|Double = ?, inst-name:String|Symbol = ?, qb:CapacitorQuery = ?)

  • rail: JITXObject - Power Bundle port for the rail to bypass. This port will likely need to use the signal-ends feature if not a direct pcb-component pad.
  • elem-type: Instantiable|Double - Instantiable or capacitance value as a Double. If an Instantiable, it should confirm to standard two pin interface definitions. As a Double, the JITX query API is used to source a capacitor of this many farads. By default, this value is set to 100nF. The global default query parameters can be used to control the other aspects of the query.
  • inst-name: String|Symbol - Optional name for the capacitor instance to be created. If none is given, then the Ref name of the pos signal will be used to create an instance name in the form <NAME>-byp.
  • qb: CapacitorQuery - Optional capacitor query builder. This builder will extend the global defaults with any customization the user desires. The default value is CapacitorQuery() with no additional parameters.

This function expects to be called from within a pcb-module context.

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