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Package name: jsl/landpatterns/numbering


Data Types


Standard IC Numbering


Function Description
Std-IC-Numbering Constructor for defstruct Std-IC-Numbering


Create pad Ref sequence for a 2-axis Grid (eg for BGAs)


Function Description
to-row-range Compute the row range based on the start and end character.
to-row-index Given a Row Letter, convert to an Int offset in 0-index form


Row Major Pad Numbering


Function Description


Cathode/Anode Numbering Scheme


Function Description


Lookup Table Based Numbering Scheme


Function Description


Uneven (Asymmetric) Column Major Numbering


Function Description
Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering Constructor for defstruct Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering


Function Description
Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering Construct an Uneven Column Structure for Quad Packages


Numbering Scheme for a Set of Pads


Function Description
to-pad-id Convert the row and column indices into a pad number or reference


Column Major Pad Numbering


Function Description

General Definitions

Variable Description



Standard IC Numbering

public defstruct Std-IC-Numbering <: Numbering
    num-pads: Int

  • num-pads: Int

TODO: Figure here



Constructor for defstruct Std-IC-Numbering

public defn Std-IC-Numbering (num-pads:Int)


Create pad Ref sequence for a 2-axis Grid (eg for BGAs)

public defstruct Grid-Numbering <: Numbering
    columns: Int
    omit-cols: Tuple<Int>
    omit-rows: String
    pad-lookup: Tuple<Ref>
    rows: Int
    start-col: Int
    start-row: Int

  • columns: Int - Number of Columns in the Grid

  • omit-cols: Tuple<Int> - List of column identifiers which will be omitted. By default, this tuple is empty meaning that all columns are used. The user can pass a black list of column ids as integers. For example, if the user provides [3, 7], then the column sequence would be: 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, ...

  • omit-rows: String - List of letters to not uses as the row id in the generated pad reference. By default this is set to "IOQSXZ" by IPC7351B. For example, this means that the row sequence will consist of: ... G, H, J ... Where I is absent

  • pad-lookup: Tuple<Ref> - Lookup table for converting row/column indices to a Ref. This lookup is pre-computed based on the rows/columns/etc

  • rows: Int - Number of Rows in the Grid

  • start-col: Int - Set the starting column offset/ Default is 0, which is typically the first column index.

  • start-row: Int - Set the starting row offset. Default is 0, which is typically maps to 'A' unless the omit-rows contains 'A'.

The created references use a IndexRef consisting of a letter for the row indicator and a number index for the column. For example: row=1, column=1 => A[1] row=2, column=7 => B[7] row=21, column=3 => AA[3]

Note that the final example assumes the default omit character sequence.

The start-row and start-col parameters are used to offset the numbering generation. For example - lets say you wanted to have a 5x5 grid but start with row 'C' and column 5, Setting start-row = 2 and start-col = 4 (zero-indexed). This results in a grid with rows C, D, E, F, G and columns 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.



Compute the row range based on the start and end character.

public defn to-row-range (grid:Grid-Numbering, start:Char|String, end:Char|String) -> Range

  • grid: Grid-Numbering - Grid Numbering Scheme
  • start: Char|String - First row as a character or sequence of characters.
  • end: Char|String - Inclusive end row as a character or sequence of characters.
  • Returns Range - The resultant range is a 1-based index to match the PadIsland constructor interface.

This is a utility function for constructing the Range for the row offsets (ie, Int values) from the character values.


public defn Grid-Numbering (rows:Int, columns:Int, start-row:Int = ?, start-col:Int = ?, omit-rows:String = ?, omit-cols:Tuple<Int> = ?) -> Grid-Numbering

  • Returns Grid-Numbering


Given a Row Letter, convert to an Int offset in 0-index form

public defn to-row-index (g:Grid-Numbering, row:Ref|String) -> Int

  • g: Grid-Numbering - Grid Numbering Scheme
  • row: Ref|String - identifies which row we are attempting to convert
  • Returns Int


Row Major Pad Numbering

public defstruct Row-Major-Numbering <: Numbering
    col-offset: Int
    num-pads: Int
    num-rows: Int
    row-offset: Int

  • col-offset: Int

  • num-pads: Int

  • num-rows: Int

  • row-offset: Int

Example for 2-column grid:

    1    2
    3    4
    5    6



public defn Row-Major-Numbering (num-pads:Int, num-rows:Int -- row-offset:Int = ?, col-offset:Int = ?) -> Row-Major-Numbering

  • Returns Row-Major-Numbering


Cathode/Anode Numbering Scheme

public deftype C-A-Numbering <: Numbering

This numbering scheme is used for any two-pin component with polarity. This allows us to differentiate the positive (anode, a) from the negative (cathode, c) terminals.



public defn C-A-Numbering () -> C-A-Numbering

  • Returns C-A-Numbering


Lookup Table Based Numbering Scheme

public defstruct LookupTableNumbering <: Numbering
    lookup: Tuple<Tuple<Int|Ref>>

  • lookup: Tuple<Tuple<Int|Ref>> - Lookup Table for Converting (Rows, Columns) -> Int|Ref This table is assumed to be in Row major order.

This numbering scheme to support patterns that are not easily programmatic or more random.

val lead-scheme = LookupTableNumbering(
    lookup = [
    [2, 1]
    [3, 4]
  • Typically, the lookup tables would be

    regular, ie each row would be the same length. But nothing prevents an irregular grid where the rows are not all the same length.



public defn LookupTableNumbering (lookup:Tuple<Tuple<Int|Ref>>) -> LookupTableNumbering

  • Returns LookupTableNumbering


Uneven (Asymmetric) Column Major Numbering

public defstruct Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering <: Numbering
    columns: Tuple<Int>

  • columns: Tuple<Int>

This provides a mechanism to create a column major numbering scheme where each column may not have the exact same number of rows.



Constructor for defstruct Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering

public defn Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering (columns:Tuple<Int>)



Construct an Uneven Column Structure for Quad Packages

public defn Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering (x-count:Int, y-count:Int) -> Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering

  • x-count: Int - Number of leads on the E/W sides of the package
  • y-count: Int - Number of leads on the N/S side of the package.
  • Returns Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering

This will construct a asymmetric column major numbering that expects (2 * x-count) + (2 * y-count) total unique leads in the package.


public defn get-total-pads (x:Uneven-Column-Major-Numbering) -> Int

  • Returns Int


Numbering Scheme for a Set of Pads

public deftype Numbering

The landpattern generators typically use a 2D grid to generate the pads related to a component. This grid is a zero-index row and column setup.

  • For DIP style components (SOP, SOIC, DFN/SON, etc ), there are typically 2 columns and N / 2 rows (where N is the number of pins).
  • For Quad style components (QFP, QFN, etc), there are typically 4 columns and N / 4 rows (where N is the number of pins).
  • For BGA style components, there are typically N pins and X columns by Y rows where X * Y = N (for a Full Matrix). This is only an example to demonstrate the typical row and column configurations. More complex arrangements are possible.

Note that this numbering scheme does not consider the exposed thermal lead/pad to be part of the pin numbering sequence.



Convert the row and column indices into a pad number or reference

public defmulti to-pad-id (x:Numbering, row:Int, column:Int) -> Int|Ref

  • x: Numbering - Self
  • row: Int - Zero-based row offset into the pad grid
  • column: Int - Zero-based column offset into the pad grid.
  • Returns Int|Ref - Either an Int or a Ref that determines the pad identifier or name.


Column Major Pad Numbering

public defstruct Column-Major-Numbering <: Numbering
    col-offset: Int
    col-skip: Int
    num-columns: Int
    num-pads: Int
    row-offset: Int
    row-skip: Int

  • col-offset: Int

  • col-skip: Int

  • num-columns: Int

  • num-pads: Int

  • row-offset: Int

  • row-skip: Int

Example for 2-column grid:

  1   5
  2   6
  3   7
  4   8



public defn Column-Major-Numbering (num-pads:Int, num-columns:Int -- row-offset:Int = ?, col-offset:Int = ?, col-skip:Int = ?, row-skip:Int = ?) -> Column-Major-Numbering

  • Returns Column-Major-Numbering

General Definitions


public val DEF-ROW-OMITS

Related Packages

Forwarded by packages: jsl/landpatterns/framework, jsl/landpatterns