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Package name: jitx/anchor

Rectangle Anchor Example

val r = Rectangle(SW, -3.0, 5.0)
  • The anchor SW specifies that the bottom left corner of the rectangle will be at the origin.

TODO - Add Example Image Here



Enum Definition for the Anchor type


Function Description
vertical-flip Flip an anchor vertically across the horizontal axis
horizontal Retrieve the horizontal component of an anchor
vertical Retrieve the vertical component of an anchor
components Split an anchor into its constituent vertical and horizontal components
horizontal-flip Flip an anchor horizontally across the vertical axis
join Combine a vertical anchor and a horizontal anchor into one combined anchor
flip Flip an anchor about the vertical & horizontal axis.



Enum Definition for the Anchor type

public defenum Anchor <: Equalable & Hashable

  • N

  • S

  • E

  • W

  • NE

  • SE

  • SW

  • NW

  • C

This definition defines 9 unique values including:

  • The cardinal directions
  • The centered marker



Flip an anchor vertically across the horizontal axis

public defn vertical-flip (a:Anchor) -> Anchor

  • a: Anchor - The anchor to flip
  • Returns Anchor - The transformed anchor - All values are possible depending on the input anchor a

The horizontal alignment for this anchor a will be preserved and only the vertical component will be transformed.


Retrieve the horizontal component of an anchor

public defn horizontal (a:Anchor) -> Anchor

  • a: Anchor - The Anchor to Split
  • Returns Anchor - The horizontal component of that anchor with possible values selected from C, E, or W.

This function is a utility for spliting the anchor into its constituent parts. This is often useful when attempting to construct a Pose that will shift the associated shape or object into the right alignment position.



Retrieve the vertical component of an anchor

public defn vertical (a:Anchor) -> Anchor

  • a: Anchor - The Anchor to Split
  • Returns Anchor - The vertical component of that anchor with possible values selected from C, N, or S.

This function is a utility for spliting the anchor into its constituent parts. This is often useful when attempting to construct a Pose that will shift the associated shape or object into the right alignment position.



Split an anchor into its constituent vertical and horizontal components

public defn components (a:Anchor) -> [Anchor, Anchor]

  • a: Anchor - The anchor to split
  • Returns [Anchor, Anchor] - Tuple of the two components in the order [Vertical, Horizontal]

This is combination of the vertical and horizontal functions and is a useful shortcut.

val a = NW

val [vert, horz] = components(a)
println("V: %_ H: %_" % [vert, horz])

; Should print: 
;  V: N H: W


Flip an anchor horizontally across the vertical axis

public defn horizontal-flip (a:Anchor) -> Anchor

  • a: Anchor - The anchor to flip
  • Returns Anchor - The transformed anchor - All values are possible depending on the input anchor a

The vertical alignment for this anchor a will be preserved and only the horizontal component will be transformed.

For example, horizontal-flip(NW) will return NE


Combine a vertical anchor and a horizontal anchor into one combined anchor

public defn join (v:Anchor, h:Anchor)

  • v: Anchor - The vertical anchor to combine. Must be N, S, or C
  • h: Anchor - The horizontal anchor to combine. Must be E, W, or C
  • Throws Fatal - if v is not a valid vertical anchor or h is not a valid horizontal anchor

For example, join(S, W) will return SW


Flip an anchor about the vertical & horizontal axis.

public defn flip (a:Anchor) -> Anchor

  • a: Anchor - The anchor to flip
  • Returns Anchor - The transformed anchor - All values are possible depending on the input anchor a

This function transforms an anchor by mirroring it across the vertical or horizontal axis, respectively.

For example, flip(NW) will produce SE. The C value will be unchanged and return C.

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