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Tutorial: Schematic and layout

NOTE: Before starting this tutorial, you should have built the design from Tutorial: Create a circuit

You can follow along with this tutorial in the video above. Below is a transcript to make the code and text easier to read.

Naming nets and adding power symbols

In main.stanza, name the net attached to vin of the buck regulator module VIN:

pcb-module my-design :

  inst buck : components/Texas-Instruments/TPS62080DSGR/module(output-voltage = 3.3)
  net VIN ( buck.en)
Run the design to see the VIN label appear on the schematic.

Next, create a net GND for ground, and assign a net symbol to it:

pcb-module my-design :

  inst buck : components/Texas-Instruments/TPS62080DSGR/module(output-voltage = 3.3)
  net VIN ( buck.en)
  net GND (buck.gnd)
  symbol(GND) = ocdb/utils/symbols/ground-sym


The schematic UI is for changing the style of the schematic. Groups are automatically added based on the structure of the pcb-modules in your design.

All commands can be discovered from the (?) button in the upper-right of the screen.


The layout UI is for completing the physical layout of your circuit board. You select which signals will be routed on which layer, and then route them with the autorouter. You can move components around, and the traces will follow.

You can use Adaptive for low inductance and low resistance routes, and generate pours automatically from dynamic traces.

You decide which pads need vias, and there is an auto-via tool to place and route those vias automatically. Vias are associated with those pads, and when you fan out a component those vias will travel with the component.

All commands can be discovered from the (?) button in the upper-right of the screen.