Tutorial: Create a circuit¶
NOTE: Before starting this tutorial, you should have installed JITX and created your first design.
This document contains all code examples and product actions from Quickstart 2 in a format that's easy to follow along with. Use it as a companion to the video tutorial.
- Shared repositories: https://github.com/JITx-Inc/awesome-jitx
- Tutorial code: https://github.com/JITx-Inc/quickstart-by-phase/tree/main/quickstart-2-files
Development Tips¶
- Restart terminal after modifying
- Use Ctrl+Enter to run current file
- Verify package names and imports match project structure
1. Project Setup¶
Update Main Module¶
First, rename the default module in main.stanza
# Change from:
pcb-module my-design:
# To:
pcb-module top-level:
Update the main module reference:
# Change:
# To:
2. Creating the Communications Core¶
Initial Module Setup¶
Create a new module in main.stanza
pcb-module communications-core :
; Components will be added here
Adding Components¶
- Add Zener Diode:
- Open JITX sidebar
- Click "Find components"
- Search for "MMSZ4689T1G"
Use "Copy to clipboard"
inst zener : create-part(mpn = "MMSZ4689T1G", manufacturer = "ON Semiconductor")
Instantiate in Top Level:
pcb-module top-level : inst core : communications-core
3. USB Interface Integration¶
Add Library Dependency In
:connectors = { git = "JITx-Inc/connectors", version = "0.4.1" }
Add USB Connector
inst usb-if : connectors/components/USB/USBTypeC/USBC-HighSpeed-Iface()
Connect Zener to USB Power
net (zener.A usb-if.VDD-USB.V-) net (zener.K usb-if.VDD-USB.V+)
4. Controller Module Development¶
File Structure¶
Create src/controller.stanza
defpackage ethernet-io/controller :
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import jitx/parts
import helpers
import jsl
public pcb-module controller :
port rail-3v3 : power
port USB : usb-data
port VDD-USB : power
name = "MCU"
Project Configuration¶
Update stanza.proj
packages ethernet-io/* defined-in "src/"
FTDI Integration¶
Add FTDI Library:
FTDI = { git = "JITx-Inc/FTDI", version = "0.3.3" }
Add Debug Interface:
inst debug-if : FTDI/DebugIF/circuit( FTDI/components/FT2232HL/FT2232H-MPSSE, FTDI/components/FT2232HL/FT2232H-RS232, R-query = R-query, C-query = C-query )
Debug Interface Connections¶
net (rail-3v3 debug-if.VDD-3v3)
net (VDD-USB debug-if.VDD-USB)
net (USB debug-if.USB)
5. EEPROM Component Creation¶
Component Definition¶
Create src/components/MC-93LC46CT.stanza
defpackage components/MC-93LC46CT:
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import jitx/parts
import jsl
public pcb-component component :
name = "MC-93LC46CT"
description = "1K 2.5V Microwire Serial EEPROM, SOIC-8 Package"
mpn = "93LC46CT-I/SN"
manufacturer = "Microchip Technology"
datasheet = "https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/20001749K.pdf"
reference-prefix = "U"
[pin:Ref | pads:Int | side:Dir ]
[CS | 1 | Left ] ; Chip Select
[CLK | 2 | Left ] ; Serial Clock
[DI | 3 | Left ] ; Data Input
[DO | 4 | Left ] ; Data Output
[VSS | 5 | Left ] ; Ground
[VCC | 8 | Right ] ; Power Supply
[ORG | 6 | Right ] ; Memory Configuration
[NC | 7 | Right ] ; No Connection
val box = BoxSymbol(self)
val symb = create-symbol(box)
val pkg = SOIC-N(
num-leads = 8,
lead-span = min-max(5.8, 6.2),
package-length = min-max(4.8, 5.0)
density-level = DensityLevelA
val lp = create-landpattern(pkg)
EEPROM Module¶
public pcb-module module :
port VDD-3v3 : power
port cfg : microwire-4()
inst EEPROM : components/MC-93LC46CT/component
net (EEPROM.CS cfg.cs)
net (EEPROM.CLK cfg.clk)
net (EEPROM.DO cfg.do)
net (EEPROM.DI cfg.di)
net (EEPROM.VCC VDD-3v3.V+)
net (EEPROM.VSS VDD-3v3.V-)
resistance = 10.e3
capacitance = 2.2e-6
short-trace? = true
Add to controller:
inst EEPROM : components/MC-93LC46CT/module
net (EEPROM.VDD-3v3 rail-3v3)
net (EEPROM.cfg debug-if.CFG)
Key Concepts Learned¶
- Component Management
- Adding from database
- Creating custom components
Using library code
Circuit Organization
- Module hierarchy
- File structure
Package management
- Using nets
- Port creation
Interface bundles
Library Usage
- Adding dependencies
- Importing modules
- Using parametric circuits