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Package name: jitx/shapes/GeneralRoundedRectangle



General Rounded Rectangle


Function Description
GeneralRoundedRectangle Constructor for defstruct GeneralRoundedRectangle


Function Description
GeneralRoundedRectangle (+ 2) Create a general rounded rectangle using a CornerModifier to specify which corners are rounded.



General Rounded Rectangle

public defstruct GeneralRoundedRectangle <: Shape & HasMetaUtils :
    height: Double
    pose: Pose
    radii: Tuple<Double>
    width: Double

  • height: Double - Height of this general rounded rectangle. Must be non-negative.

  • pose: Pose - Pose of this rounded rectangle. Default value is (0.0, 0.0) with no rotation and no flip.

  • radii: Tuple<Double> - Tuple of the four radii of each of the rounded corners of this general rounded rectangle, in counter-clockwise order starting from the bottom left. Must all be non-negative. The sum of the radii of the two corners on each side must not exceed the length of the side.

  • width: Double - Width of this general rounded rectangle. Must be non-negative.

A rectangle with rounded (filleted) corners of different radii.

Specified with a width, height, a tuple of four corner radii, and a pose. The pose center is the center of the rectangle. The tuple of radii is ordered starting with the bottom-left corner going counter-clockwise. A corner radius of 0.0 indicates no rounding. The flip of the pose affects the ordering of the general rounded rectangle's points when converted to a polygon (clockwise when flipped, otherwise counter-clockwise).



Constructor for defstruct GeneralRoundedRectangle

public defn GeneralRoundedRectangle (width:Double, height:Double, radii:Tuple<Double>, pose:Pose = ?)



Create a general rounded rectangle using a CornerModifier to specify which corners are rounded.

public defn GeneralRoundedRectangle (w:Double, h:Double, r:Double, m:CornerModifier, p:Pose = ?)

  • w: Double - Width of the general rounded rectangle.
  • h: Double - Height of the general rounded rectangle.
  • r: Double - Corner radius of the general rounded rectangle.
  • m: CornerModifier - Which corners to make rounded of the general rounded rectangle.
  • p: Pose - Pose of the general rounded rectangle. Default is (0.0, 0.0) with no rotation and no flip.


Create a general rounded rectangle anchored to a specified alignment with respect to the origin and using a CornerModifier to specify which corners are rounded.

public defn GeneralRoundedRectangle (anchor:Anchor, w:Double, h:Double, r:Double, m:CornerModifier)

  • anchor: Anchor - Anchor to align the general rounded rectangle with to the origin.
  • w: Double - Width of the general rounded rectangle.
  • h: Double - Height of the general rounded rectangle.
  • r: Double - Corner radius of the general rounded rectangle.
  • m: CornerModifier - Which corners to make rounded of the general rounded rectangle.


Create a general rounded rectangle anchored to a specified alignment with respect to the origin.

public defn GeneralRoundedRectangle (anchor:Anchor, w:Double, h:Double, r:Tuple<Double>)

  • anchor: Anchor - Anchor to align the general rounded rectangle with to the origin.
  • w: Double - Width of the general rounded rectangle.
  • h: Double - Height of the general rounded rectangle.
  • r: Tuple<Double> - Tuple of four radii of the corners of the general rounded rectangle, starting from the bottom-left going counter-clockwise.

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Forwarded by packages: jitx/shapes, jitx