Tutorial: Power circuits and power layout¶
Before starting this tutorial, build the design from Tutorial: Autoroute and layout
Below is a walkthrough and companion code for ease of reading.
- Awesome JITX – a collection of shared libraries
- Starting code: JITX Project – Created from the layout tutorial
- Final tutorial code – Reference designs created during this video
- Board View UI Documentation
2. Write the Power Code¶
2.1 Install New Libraries¶
Add the following lines in your slm.toml
TI-vreg = { git = "JITx-Inc/TI-VREG", version = "0.4.0" }
power-systems = { git = "JITx-Inc/power-systems", version = "0.5.0" }
2.2 Create a New Power File¶
Create a new file, src/power.stanza
, to hold your power-management module. Include core JITX imports and declare a package:
defpackage ethernet-io/power :
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import jitx/parts
import helpers
import jsl
2.3 Define the Power Module and Ports¶
You will need three rails: 3.3 V, USB 5 V, and 1.2 V. In the same file, create a pcb-module
with these ports:
public pcb-module power-management :
port VDD-3v3 : power
port VDD-USB : power
port VDD-1v2 : power
2.4 Add a 24 V → 5.5 V Buck Regulator¶
Use the TI TPS6293x parametric circuit from TI-vreg Library. First, define constraints (input voltage range, output set point, ripple, etc.), then instantiate:
val buck-5V-cst = power-systems/DC-DC/buck/BuckConstraints(
v-in = min-max(20.0, 28.0), ; Accepts ~20–28 V input
v-out = 5.5 +/- (2 %), ; Output ~5.5 V
v-in-ripple-max = 0.050, ; 50 mV input ripple
v-out-ripple-max = 0.030, ; 30 mV output ripple
i-out = 1.0 +/- (20 %), ; 1 A output
freq = 1.2e6, ; Switching frequency
K = (40 %) ; K-factor method for inductor sizing
inst DCDC-5V : TI-vreg/components/TPS6293x/circuit(
freq = 1.2e6,
SS-period = 10.0e-3 +/- 2.0e-3,
UVLO = [15.0, 12.0]
2.5 Add the 3.3 V Buck¶
Define constraints for the TPS6208 regulator that steps ~5.5 V down to 3.3 V:
val cxt-3v3 = power-systems/DC-DC/buck/BuckConstraints(
v-in = min-max(4.9, 5.5),
v-out = 3.3 +/- (3 %),
v-in-ripple-max = 0.050,
v-out-ripple-max = 0.030,
i-out = 1.0 +/- (20 %),
freq = 1.2e6,
K = (40 %)
inst DCDC-3v3 : TI-vreg/components/TPS6208x/circuit(
snooze-mode = false,
snooze-conn? = create-resistor(
resistance = 0.0,
precision = (1 %)
2.6 Add the 1.2 V Buck¶
Similarly, define constraints for a 1.2 V rail (common as a core voltage for MCUs or PHYs):
val cxt-1v2 = power-systems/DC-DC/buck/BuckConstraints(
v-in = min-max(4.9, 5.5),
v-out = 1.2 +/- (5 %),
v-in-ripple-max = 0.050,
v-out-ripple-max = 0.030,
i-out = 1.0 +/- (20 %),
freq = 1.2e6,
K = (40 %)
inst DCDC-1v2 : TI-vreg/components/TPS6208x/circuit(
snooze-mode = false,
snooze-conn? = create-resistor(
resistance = 0.0,
precision = (1 %)
2.7 Diode-OR the 5 V with USB¶
Use either USB 5 V or the buck’s 5.5 V to power the 1.2V and 3.3V regulators. The power systems library) has a parametric diode-OR function:
inst USB-OR : power-systems/filters/diode-OR(diodes/SSA33L/component, 2)
net (USB-OR.vin[0] VDD-USB) ; USB supply
net (USB-OR.vin[1] DCDC-5V.conv.VOUT) ; 5.5 V from buck
net (USB-OR.vout DCDC-3v3.conv.VIN DCDC-1v2.conv.VIN)
2.8 Wire Outputs to the Ports¶
Connect each regulator’s output to the appropriate port:
net (DCDC-3v3.conv.VOUT VDD-3v3)
net (DCDC-1v2.conv.VOUT VDD-1v2)
2.9 Enforce Power-Up Sequence¶
Require the 1.2 V rail to come up before 3.3 V:
net (DCDC-1v2.enable USB-OR.vout.V+)
net (DCDC-1v2.power-good DCDC-3v3.enable)
insert-pullup(DCDC-3v3.enable USB-OR.vout)
2.10 Add a Terminal Block for 24 V Input¶
Finally, bring in a 24 V supply via a 4-pin terminal block:
inst terminal-block : connectors/components/LSF-SMT/component(num-poles = 4)
net P24V (terminal-block.p[1] terminal-block.p[2] DCDC-5V.conv.VIN.V+)
net GND (terminal-block.p[3] terminal-block.p[4] DCDC-5V.conv.VIN.V- VDD-USB.V-)
3. Connect It All Together in main
With power.stanza
complete, import and instantiate it in main.stanza
. Then connect its ports to other modules:
defpackage main :
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import jitx/parts
import helpers
import jsl
import ethernet-io/controller
val board-shape = RoundedRectangle(100.0, 70.0, 3.0)
pcb-module communications-core :
port rail-3v3 : power
inst ctl : controller
defpackage main :
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import jitx/parts
import helpers
import jsl
import ethernet-io/power
import ethernet-io/controller
val board-shape = RoundedRectangle(100.0, 70.0, 3.0)
pcb-module communications-core :
port rail-3v3 : power
inst pwr-mng : power-management
inst ctl : controller
; Example: wire your controller to the power rails
net (pwr-mng.VDD-3v3 rail-3v3 ctl.rail-3v3)
net (pwr-mng.VDD-USB ctl.VDD-USB)
net (pwr-mng.VDD-1v2 ctl.VDD-1v2)
4. Route Power¶
Once your regulators are defined and instantiated, place and route them for optimal performance.
4.1 Add Vias for Ground or Layer Transitions¶
- Highlight ground pads or other pads you want to via to internal planes
- Press
Shift + V
to auto-add vias to the correct net
4.2 Create Power Pours¶
- Select the pads you want to flood with copper (e.g., output of buck inductor + capacitors)
- Press
to create a copper pour on the active layer- Press
Shift + C
to create a pour with a configurable expansion
- Press
- The net of the pour is assigned to the last pad created
- As things move, the pour updates automatically to contain all the pads selected when it was created (unless shape was manually edited)
4.3 Modify Pour Shapes¶
- Select the pour, press
- Drag edges/corners to reshape
- Hold
to add new vertices - Press
to toggle free-form sculpt mode - Press
to finish
4.4 Set Pour Priority & Clearance¶
If overlapping pours exist (e.g., ground planes vs. local high-current pours), use rank to set priority: - Select pour and edit its rank - Adjust isolation in the same menu
5. Practical Tips¶
Use Parametric Libraries
- Leverage built-in solver functionality for power circuits
- Specify input/output voltage, ripple, current requirements
- Automate inductor, feedback, and capacitor selection
- Generators like diode-OR reduce errors
Autoroute Power
- Dynamically created pours/regions help optimize power layouts
- Region creation also works for keepouts and other layer geometry
6. Summary and Next Steps¶
You have now: 1. Written a power-management module with multiple rails. 2. Connected it to your main board. 3. Explored power layout essentials like vias, pours, shape modifications, and priorities.
Continue refining your layout for specific mechanical constraints and noise considerations. In the next tutorial, you can learn more about high-speed routing techniques and advanced layout strategies. Tutorial: High speed routing