Dynamic landpatterns
defpackage dynamic_landpatterns:
import core
import jitx
import jitx/commands
import ocdb/utils/landpatterns
import ocdb/utils/box-symbol
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Static Version
pcb-landpattern Static_SOT23 :
val x0 = 1.0 ; Lead-Span spacing
val y0 = 0.95 ; Pitch
; Pad Definitions
val pdef = smd-pad(0.8, 0.5)
pad p[1] : pdef at loc((- x0), y0)
pad p[2] : pdef at loc((- x0), (- y0))
pad p[3] : pdef at loc(x0, 0.0)
; Non-Copper Geometry
layer(Courtyard(Top)) = Rectangle(3.3, 3.0)
layer(Silkscreen("f-silk", Top)) = LineRectangle(3.3, 3.0)
; Reference Designator Helper Function
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Very Limited Bounding Region Calculation
defn bounds (sh:Union|Shape) -> Rectangle :
val extrema = to-tuple $ for s in shapes(sh as Union) seq:
val w2 = width(r) / 2.0
val h2 = height(r) / 2.0
; println("W: %_ H: %_ P: %_" % [w2, h2, pose(r)] )
[pose(r) * Point(w2, h2), pose(r) * Point((- w2), (- h2))]
throw $ Exception("Unhandled Shape")
val max-x = maximum $ for obj in extrema map:
val max-y = maximum $ for obj in extrema map:
val min-x = minimum $ for obj in extrema map:
val min-y = minimum $ for obj in extrema map:
val mid-x = (max-x + min-x) / 2.0
val mid-y = (max-y + min-y) / 2.0
val w = max-x - min-x
val h = max-y - min-y
Rectangle(w, h, loc(mid-x, mid-y))
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Dynamic Version
pcb-landpattern SOT-23 (pad-size:Dims, pad-grid:Dims, margin:Double = 0.2) :
val x0 = x(pad-grid)
val y0 = y(pad-grid)
; Pad Definitions
val pdef = smd-pad(pad-size)
pad p[1] : pdef at loc((- x0), y0)
pad p[2] : pdef at loc((- x0), (- y0))
pad p[3] : pdef at loc(x0, 0.0)
; Find the bounding box around all of the pads.
val outline = bounds $ Union $ for pd in pads(self) seq:
pose(pd) * pad-shape(pdef)
; Non-Copper Geometry
val outline* = offset(outline, margin) as RoundedRectangle
val courtyard = LineRectangle(width(outline*), height(outline*))
layer(Courtyard(Top)) = courtyard
layer(Silkscreen("f-silk", Top)) = courtyard
val r = 0.15
val marker = loc((width(outline*) / -2.0) - (3.0 * r), y0)
layer(Silkscreen("f-silk", Top)) = marker * Circle(2.0 * r)
; Reference Designator Helper Function
; view(Static_SOT23)
view(SOT-23(Dims(0.8, 0.5), Dims(1.0, 0.95)))