
A pcb-board statement defines the physical structure of the circuit board for a design. A board contains a stackup, boundary, signal boundary, and optional layer statements.


pcb-board board-name (arg1:Type1, ...):
  name = <String|False>
  description = <String|False>

  boundary = <Shape>
  signal-boundary = <Shape|False>
  stackup = <Stackup>

  vias = [<Via>, <Via>, ... ]

  layer(<LayerSpecifier>) = <Shape>

The expression name board-name uniquely identifies this board definition in the current context.

The argument list (arg1:Type1, ...) is optional and provides a means of constructing parameterized board definitions.

  • Required Parameters
    • boundary - This is a Shape that defines the physical board outline.
      • This shape must be a simple polygon.
      • This means that it must not have any holes or self-intersections.
    • stackup - User must provide a pcb-stackup definition.
      • This defines the copper and dielectric layer stackup.
    • vias - Tuple of pcb-via definitions.
      • These definitions limit what vias are allowed to be placed on the board.
      • Only the vias present in this tuple will populate the drop-down via menu in the board tool.
  • Optional Parameters
    • name - Optional string to provide a human readable name, mostly for the UI. If not present, then the expression name will be used.
    • description - Optional string to describe this object. This is primarily for documentation and use in the UI.
    • signal-boundary - This is an optional Shape that defines what region of the board the router is allowed to route copper.
      • This shape must be a simple polygon.
      • If not provided, the board definition will re-use the boundary shape for this parameter.
      • If provided, this shape must be no larger than the boundary shape. If this shape exceeds the boundary shape, then the JITX runtime will raise an error.
    • layer() - Optional layer statements that allow the user to introduce geometry on any of the layers of the board.


The pcb-board definition is passed to the JITX runtime via the set-board function.

val board-shape = Rectangle(60.0, 40.0)
val my-stackup = ocdb/manufacturers/stackups/jlcpcb-jlc2313

pcb-via default-th:
  start = Top
  stop = Bottom
  diameter = 0.65
  hole-diameter = 0.4
  type = MechanicalDrill
  tented = true

pcb-board my-circuit-board : 
  stackup = my-stackup
  boundary = board-shape
  signal-boundary = offset(board-shape, -0.5)
  vias = [default-th]



The OCDB library has many predefined stackups that can be useful for building prototypes.

Notice the use of the offset function to construct a signal-boundary that is slightly inset from the board boundary.

Using Arguments

Parameterized board definitions can be useful when constructing common structures. Building on the previous example:

val STD-FIXTURE-SHAPE = RoundedRectangle(100.0, 40.0, 1.0)

pcb-board fixture-board (
  outline:Shape = STD-FIXTURE-SHAPE, 
  sig-buffer:Double = 0.5
  ) :
  name = to-string("fixture-%_-%_" % [outline, sig-buffer])
  stackup = base-stackup
  boundary = outline
  signal-boundary = offset(outline, (- sig-buffer))
  vias = [default-th]


val my-stackup = ocdb/manufacturers/stackups/jlcpcb-jlc2313

; Example #1
val brd = fixture-board(my-stackup)
; Example #2
val brd = fixture-board(my-stackup, sig-buffer = 1.0)

set-board( brd )

In this example, we demonstrate the use of optional keyword arguments for parametrically defining the board for our design.

Here the sig-buffer argument is a keyword argument with a default value of 0.5. This forces the signal-boundary to be 0.5mm smaller than the boundary shape on all sides of the board.

Making it a keyword argument provides better readability of the code - we don't have to wonder whether that second argument was supposed to be the outline shape or the sig-buffer.

It is often convenient to include a name constructed from the parameters so that we can differentiate two different pcb-board definitions constructed with this function.

Using Generators

Generators are a tool to compose reusable features into a definition.

defn set-boundary (outline:Shape -- sig-buffer:Double = 0.5) :
  inside pcb-board:
    boundary = outline
    signal-boundary = offset(outline, (- sig-buffer))

val board-shape = Rectangle(60.0, 40.0)

pcb-board circuit-board-2 : 
  stackup = my-stackup
  vias = [default-th]



The set-boundary function is a generator. Notice the use of the inside pcb-board syntax. When set-boundary is called from within the context of a pcb-board definition, it can create any of the expected pcb-board parameters. In this particular instance, the set-boundary function sets the boundary and signal-boundary parameters.

The resulting circuit-board-2 definition would be equivalent to:

val board-shape = Rectangle(60.0, 40.0)

pcb-board equivalent-circuit-board :
  stackup = my-stackup
  vias = [default-th]
  boundary = board-shape
  signal-boundary = offset(board-shape, -0.5)

Calling set-boundary from any other context (ie, a regular function or a pcb-module) will elicit an error because the boundary = syntax will be unknown.